Bit of a mistake this morning, as didn't start listening until after 1500, and 
things were pretty lively then; hopefully this was the peak, as it hadn't been 
really exciting at 1300.   0630 to 0700UT the evening before had been pretty 
good however w/the NHK2 Kitami transmitter (presumably) on 702 noted //774, and 
the Hokkaido NHK1 station on 1188 noted //594;  likely Russians on 765,  666, 
234 and 279 etc. plus carriers on 738, 846 and 1017 which looped towards the 
Pacific islands.

Most interesting was 3 signals on 675, one presumably Vietnam, one turned out 
to be NHK-1 (new; there are two listed), plus ??? 

 It's still not entirely dead after 1700UT, with CNR-1 on 945 identifiable by 
//5030, as well as what sounds like another CC (even though PAL lists 
Heilongjiang s/off at 1500UT, there seems to be a Heilongjiang 945 webstream 
still going strong, and they sounded similar to what I was hearing).     972 
and 1287 still have some audio from time to time also (actually 1287 had fairly 
readable audio at 1726UT), and 1566 would have good audio if they actually had 
any modulation left.   Could hear 1566's carrier cut at 1729:45 for the change 
in antenna direction; even stronger carrier afterward, but any audio would be 
imaginary....somewhat less imaginary talk at 1736.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least 

279 R. Rossii at 1526
594 JOAK; someone under had an echo on it.
639 CNR-1 //5030  at 1521
747 JOIB later; 1520UT
774 JOUB 
828 JOBB
936 assumed Anhui initially, but actually two stations; the louder at 1530 had 
classical sounding piano, which I haven't heard as part of Anhui's programming
1575 VoA at 1518UT

reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a 
native speaker,
though often battling w/splash or noise):

531 JOQG //594 at 1525
585 JOPG //594 at 1523
918 CC with echoey CC talk, and mx underneath from someone else

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could 
be understood by a native speaker

153 R. Rossii
558 HLQH //603 plus one other
567 JOIK //594; not up to its usual strength
675 three stations trading places, one NHK1
873 JOGB //828
945 CNR-1 delay of >1 sec from 5030
972 two stations here, one seemed CC, the other had KK talk so HLCA
1134 CNR-1 delayed by <1 sec from 5030
1251 mx at 1538, VoR; gone before a parallel found
1287 JOHR at 1540; had been better at 0700UT the evening before (and nearly as 
good at 1726)
1503 JOUK //594 at 1543UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by 
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

711 big carrier, possibly HLKA
846 seemed //594 so NHK-1
981 //5030 at 1532, so CNR-1
1269, no //1287 at the time though

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):

1539 (didn't seem to be UAE; no Farda on 1575 either) , 1566

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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