Pacific DX report for 22 November, 2009: North of Samoa.

I didn’t DX last night as there was a lot happening on the ship. Earlier in the day, we crossed the Equator to the south and west of Palmyra and Christmas Islands. The weather was blistering hot, so we spent much of the day seeking cooler temperatures. Crossing the Equator is always lots of fun with King Neptune making an appearance. We had perhaps 20 crew members “guilty” of all sorts of “crimes”. They were tried by the captain and his senior officers, and basically “tar and feathered” with gastly colours and flour, much to the amusement of the passengers. Later in the evening it was another one of our formal nights, so no time for DX. On top of that, things were simply way too hot to DX in comfort. The night before, though, I did DX for a number of hours. This was one day out of Samoa. We still have 1½ days to reach Honolulu on Wednesday morning. The seas have been very heavy, and as I type this the Amsterdam is heaving and shuddering in 4 to 5 meter + seas and heavy winds. The most comfortable place to be is outside on the Promenade deck in a chair. Plenty of fresh air there and spray from the deep blue ocean. In any case, here’s my brief report for November 22, 2009:

540: 2AP with music until 10:00 and into NA without announcement until 10:01:40. Very good level.

580: ID at 07:14 mentioning, and Fresno. Good level.

590: Charlie Brown Christmas at very good level at 08:11.

630: suspect that I finally heard Radio Cook Islands. At 08:53, islands music with my eton aimed towards the Cook Islands. Lots of drumming, and not parallel to 657 (another NZ frequency that was in // a week ago to 630). Poor to fair level only, and faded down at the TOH.

639: Radio Fiji 1 at good level at 08:11. // 558 good to very good, 1152 (poor).

690: CBU dominating the frequency at 07:00 re the flooding near my Victoria home in North Cowichan, B.C. // to CBW, Winnipeg at fair+ level too.

720: possibly KUAI, Hawaii with “I shot the Sheriff” at good level at 07:16

738: RFO Tahiti at fair level at 07:17

1010: CBR, Calgary with CBC news at 09:04

1100: Listened to this one for quite a while. Religious station with good levels at times, and then down to nothing. The announcer sounded very much like the slow, deep voiced fellow heard over WYFR in Taiwan on 1557. On-line auction of some sort with phone # given as 1 800 845 216 (or 5?) 2. Do all of your Christmas shopping on line. Gave an address in Oregon.. Finally at 09:58, they mentioned “Bay area homes”, and So it’s Bakersfield, CA.

1120: “AM 1120, KPNW”. Eugene, OR at very good level

1160 Didn’t note who this was, just that it was at Very good level.

1179: Finally Vanuatu, but at poor level but clearly // to 3945 around 08:15. Came back a few minutes later, and no longer // to SW. Perhaps now from DU?

1386: Radio Tarana, Auckland back tonight at good level at 07:15.

1420: Likely KKGA, Honolulu at 08:45 with very good level sports.

1430: ?KFIG, Fresno at fair level with sports.

1580: excellent level with music at 08:46. ? KBLA, Santa Monica.

1640: KDIA, Vallejo, CA with a Bible offer at very good level.

1660: Fair/good with music

1700: note 2 cochannels here at fair level.


15295: Voice of Malaysia at excellent level with a music program from SE Asia from 07:20 to 07:47. This is a Sunday only program. Very enjoyable, armchair level. Shows how SW can still produce excellent audio on a single hop, mostly water path. Filler music until 07:58:30 when an announcer mentioned, “Do stay tuned to the Voice of Islam coming up next”. No IS, just “This is the Voice of Islam” at 08:00. Announced also 9750 (not heard), and 6175 (also not heard). Cold and wet in Kuala Lumpur. They then went into the Koran, followed by translation into English.

9526: Voice of Indonesia in English at 10:03. Low modulation with transmitter hum, but otherwise a powerful signal.

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