Hello All,
Like Nick and Colin, I was very unimpressed with this morning's TP  
propagation initially, and thought that the band was a total bust. Around 1450  
the "powerhouse" TP's were struggling to maintain audio, and this mediocre  
situation did not improve at all by 1510. Only 738-Taiwan and 594-JOAK had  
weak audio by 1512, and even they were near the noise level. Ready to write 
off  the band, I gave one final check on the high band TP's, not expecting 
to find  even a strong carrier.
The first frequency to check was 1503 kHz, and much to my surprise, JOUK in 
 northern Japan had decent audio-- the only decent TP audio on the entire  
band at that time (1514 UTC). This was a station that had never been heard 
here  at much above the noise level, and now it was fairly strong with the 
distinctive  NHK1 interval music: 
Listening in as this weird propagation boost continued, I wrapped up the  
recording at 1516, with JOUK's NHK1 interval music coming to a close. I 
didn't  know until listening with headphones later that there was a definite TP 
co-channel on the 1503 kHz frequency with JOUK at 1516, apparently either 
Korean  or Chinese:
I quickly checked 1494 kHz to hopefully hear the UnID Japanese from a week  
ago, but there was only a weak carrier on the frequency. 1566 and 1575  kHz 
also were nothing special, with only weak carriers on both at 1518. I  have 
no idea why only 1503 kHz had such a weird, sudden propagation boost  this 
morning, but even JOUK was only a weak carrier by 1519. Probably this  is 
one reason why TP-chasing is so fascinating, and why it's so hard to  give it 
up even in the "December doldrum" month :-)
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver:  Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver:  Modified C.Crane SWP (7.5" Slider loopstick + CFJ455K5  IF 
9' and 7.5' (side) PVC tuned passive loops (in the cold back yard)
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