Hello All,
The TP propagation here was very similar to yesterday's generally mediocre  
situation from 1445-1555 this morning, except that there was  no sudden, 
strange boost on 1503 kHz.
Low-band propagation stayed equally miserable throughout the entire period, 
 with only 594-JOAK, 738-Taiwan and 747-JOIB managing to produce weak 
audio. The  high band was a little more interesting this morning, with both 
1566-HLAZ  and 1575-VOA receiving a modest propagation boost around 1530, 
bringing the  signals of both up significantly (VOA to moderate audio, and 
under-modulated  HLAZ to weak audio). 1377 kHz also came up in strength around 
time, to  produce weak Chinese audio.
After yesterday's 1503 kHz shenanigans the frequency was watched very  
closely this morning, and it did have its strange moments, with JOUK fading  in 
suddenly with weak audio a few times from 1530 right up until 1555 (a very  
late hour for TP reception, in this landlocked location). In fact, 1503-JOUK 
 still had a moderate carrier right up until 1600, when all the other TP 
carriers  were gone. Its last audio (around 1545) was the latest any TP audio 
has  ever been received here, which seems strange for a 10 kw station that 
was  mediocre in strength before December.
In summary, except for the interesting high-band propagation, the morning  
was very forgettable, and certainly wasn't one of the better December  
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver:  Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver:  Modified C.Crane SWP ultralight (7.5" Slider loopstick  + 
CFJ455K5 IF filter)
9' and 7.5' (side) PVC tuned passive loops (in the frozen back yard)
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