Words fail me, but I am glad all is as well as it can be in your neck of 
the woods. As we sometimes say here in the South, "Bless your heart."

Bert New
Watkinsville, Georgia
Proudly Serving You Since 1964!

> From: mwd...@webtv.net
> Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 05:35:06 -0800
> To: irca@hard-core-dx.com; a...@nrcdxas.org
> Subject: [IRCA] What a night!
> Hi everyone,
> You are probably asking, what am I doing up at 5AM? Well, I bsically
> have been up al night. Here is the story.
> Well, the weatherman stated that we may have wind gusts 60-65 MPH, so no
> biggie. The wind would come up last night around 8 PM. 8PM came and gone
> and no wind. Showers off and on, but nothing else. Ch 12 Portland did
> not run their news at 10PM, so I waited until 11 PM. I called NOAA and
> the same weather forecast from earlier. At 11PM, Rod Hill cut in on Ch 8
> and said something odd about this storm was happening. Instead of being
> a coastal thing, it had cut across and came up the valley as it was
> getting very windy in Salem. Still nothing here except for a downpour or
> two. I called NOAA and talked to the guy and he was changing the
> forecast and was busy, You are about to get hit hard! and Rod Hill said
> this storm was turning out to be worse than first thought. At about
> 11:30, all heck broke loose. The wind switched from SE to South, like in
> a minute and came up with gusts 60-70 MPH. Within an hour, the gusts
> were more present and were in the range of 80-90 MPH. The whole house
> shook. Of course no one could sleep, and the lights have been on in
> houses all night. I tried to sleep, but I could feel my BP going up
> every time the wind shook the house. I was right, I checked my BP and it
> was 147/99. It has not been that high in several years now. It has come
> down to normal now.  I went back to bed and listened to KGO. Ray was on
> talking about his early years in broadcasting and when he met Martin
> Luther King. It was very enjoyable and relaxing. I got up a few times
> trying to see my antennas, but really couldn't. The dishes looked ok. I
> went back to bed again. Then the wind started to slightly die down about
> 3 AM and all of a sudden I heard a vey LOUD hissing. I was half asleep.
> I woke up and I could hear it from the bathroom off the bedroom. I
> walked in to water all over and It looked like a water pipe broke, as
> water was shooting out of the wall behind the toilet. I immediatelly
> threw on my slippers ran out in the winds still gusting about 70 MPH and
> turned off the water. I came in and started to mop up the water. Some
> had run into the heat vent on the far side of the floor. I figured there
> wasn't much I could do about that, but I mopped up the rest. Took
> everything out of the bathroom and then after I dried everything out on
> the floor, I thought, "Wait a minute how could water be coming out of
> the wall? This is a manufactured home and the pipes come up from the
> floor." Remember when I ran out, I was half asleep. So at closer
> looking, I fould the connection where the flexable hose connected to the
> toilet had snapped. The flexable hose is metal but the connection on the
> tubing is plastic! I am glad it did not happen when I wasn't home. The
> whole house would have been flooded. So I turned off the turnout to the
> toilet, when out and turned the water back on and everything is fine, so
> I will go to Fred Meyer or Home Depot today (If they are open, Fred
> Meyer will be) and buy a new hose. An easy fix, but what a pain. Well,
> after all of that, I could not sleep. I put on my clothes and decided to
> check out the antennas in the backyard with a flashlight. This is at
> 4:15 AM.  Gusts are still 45-50 MPH. But you know me. I discovered that
> the Eastern beverage lead was pulled down to the ground and very tight.
> I shot the light back to the back trees, but not seeing anything, I
> decided what the heck, I would walk on down in the wind and check it
> out. I got down behind the neighbors house a found my problem. A big
> branch off the Spruce tree and fallen and across the beverage. I came
> in, got my limb cutter and went out and cut the limb in pieces to pull
> the antenna loose, and it popped back up in place pretty much and I came
> back to pull it back to the nail and I found the wire had snapped
> because of the weight of the pull. OK, I came back in, got the cutters
> and fixed the wire. I will solder it later, as it in in the backyard.  I
> am beginning to relax and I am getting tired, so I think I will try and
> get some sleep as I want to fix the piping in the bathroom later. But
> what night! I still need to check out all the antennas, but that will
> wait. In checked them on the R8, they seem "ok".  I guess I am doing
> pretty good for a man at nearly 61. But people that know me,  knows I am
> stubborn. I sometimes throw caution to the wind (Isn't that a play on
> words. hi), but I love doing what I want. I kbnow, I can hear some of
> you saying, He is nuts. Maybe I am a bit, but at least I enjoy my life.
> More later.
> 73,
> Patrick
> Patrick Martin
> KGED QSL Manager
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