I haven't been reporting my TP listening for a few days as work had me out of town, and yesterday I slept in. Well, luckily I didn't do that today, as the last day of February turned out to be one of the most interesting of the month Lots of signals in the upper band, though the majority were in the "barely there" category. Even logged a new one for me, as I've never had NHK on 1224 before. This morning's audio:

693- Japan, v.poor
747 - Japan
774 - Japan
819 -time pips at 1400, but that was it.
972- S.Korea
981- time pips, very slight audio traces
1116 - traces of audio at 1402
1134 - traces of audio, too weak to determine station
1224 - Japan, NHK1, weak, but talk by a man was definitely // 594..
1251 - Faintest of audio traces at 1404
1269 - Too weak to ID language, but heard talk by man, then light vocal
1314 - a few words through the noise at 1358
1386 - Japan, NHK2 // 774 noted at 1358
1413 - a few words through the noise at 1359
1422 - music, then a few words. Pretty certain it was Japan, but too weak to claim 100% certainty. 1494 - uniD, woman speaking at 1407. Sounded Japanese, but too weak for be completely certain.
1557 - Family Radio, Taiwan, with English religious pgm at 1407
1566 - HLAZ, S.Korea
1575 - VOA Thailand
1584 - unID, man speaking at 1407
1593 - CNR1, China, the best TP on the band today.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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