Radio Heritage News
Radio Heritage Foundation

Radio Heritage 
Newsletter #26
June 2010

Hello everyone

Welcome to our latest update on what's happening, our first in a few
months now....... 

Since we started this project, we've been encouraged and delighted by
the global response from many thousands who share our vision to
celebrate radio heritage and its connections with popular culture and
nostalgia....and to step in and save ephemera and other radio related
artifacts....see our latest success story later on in this newsletter!

Celebrating Popular Culture
New right now....'Radio in Papua New Guinea' a documentary you'll
find at [Mailbox audio for June 14]........... 'Diamonds
of the Dial' the story of 75 year old heritage radio calls in

...Updated editions of the famous PAL Radio Guides for the entire
Asia-Pacific region, new radio book reviews and other content you'll
find now at

Use the Google Search button to dig out stories about stations,
people and places you're interested about.....

AM Radio gets airplay in the popular press

Thanks to Bill Hester, one of our supporters, here's a link
to an article written by Canadian Jay Somerset at

It's about 'The Day the [AM] Music Died' - a well researched look at
how oldies music just sounds different on AM radio, and how new
artists and the decline in talk radio may just be combining to bring
back music to the AM radio dial.

Actually, Radio World magazine in the USA [] has an
ongoing series of features about AM radio which we highly recommend
reading......and in their latest June 16 edition [available free
online] you'll also read 'QSL From Long Ago And Far Away' [page 4]
and 'Keep the Heritage Alive' [page 33].....two items about the Radio
Heritage Foundation and the value of keeping old radio ephemera.

There's also a nice feature by James O'Neale in the same issue [page
34] called 'I Remember the Power of Night-Time Radio' which remembers
the 50kW clear channel signals that covered the US radio
dial...........a theme we'll be exploring ourselves at shortly with a nice feature from the
afore-mentioned Bill Hester.  

We'd also like to thank all of you who continue to send in photos,
stories, magazine and newspaper articles and more....such as those
from Phillipa Downie whose Dad helped establish commercial radio in
New Zealand and then went on to be the first manager of 2AP in Apia,

......Keep digging these gems out and send them on to us to share!

Constant Calls in a World of Fads, Fashions and FM

Talking of gems, you'll enjoy one of our recent features 'Diamonds of
the Dial' which looks at the 40 Australian heritage AM stations that
have broadcast with the same callsign for at least 75 years!'s also miraculous to find 40 station owners willing to
keep their original station callsigns instead of flipping calls for
the latest fad or fashion!

.....the same exercise for Californian AM radio stations found only
about 5 or 6 that met the same criteria...75 years on the air with
the same callsign......amongst them KFI and KNX both in Los Angeles
and KXO El Centro.......

FM is getting older by the day

Of course heritage isn't just restricted to AM radio, there's also FM
which has now been around for some 70 years in the USA, and even 60
years in Australia [if we include the long forgotten early ABC-FM
broadcasts from the 1950's].......

One from the Yes! Success Files

..................Explaining the cultural value of radio heritage has
its challenges................ The University of Otago in Dunedin
[NZ] recently decided to auction off the original pioneer transmitter
used in the first AM broadcast in the country just to clear space
[and no doubt to make a few dollars].....luckily the public outcry
from local citizens and organizations such as the Radio Heritage
Foundation led to a very rapid retreat from the
idea..................we're pleased they followed our advice to lease
the equipment to a local museum instead.

It's one of a growing number of success stories we're quietly
chalking up behind the scenes, and if you'd like to volunteer some
time to protect items of radio heritage in your community, drop us a
line and tell us more about what you'd like to keep safe for future

Thanks for your donations

The worldwide financial crisis has been having a tough impact on our
finances and therefore our ability to get more content online...... 

.................Last year we raised US$3500 in donations, paid 20%
of our bills and put in 2000 plus hours of unpaid time on our
work.................. so we really need your words of encouragement,
annual supporter donations [US$10 or more], and sponsorship or
partnership of specific projects.................. such as meeting
operating costs, funding some of those unpaid hours, and more
features and articles at

Will you help?

.............You can donate online right now, and also choose some of
the radio books and CD's we've got available, buy your books, music
and magazines through our online Amazon store and support our Google
Ad advertisers.

..I really recommend Keith Richardson's book and CD package ['Never a
Dull Moment'] for a highly entertaining inside story about early Top
20 radio in the Pacific and great tales from behind the mike.....I
talked with Keith just today and his health is not so good and he
also tells me he's down to just a few copies of his book
don't leave it too late to get your copy from us.......

In the meantime, thanks for your ongoing support and do visit to refresh your radio memories!

Warm regards
David Ricquish

Radio Heritage Foundation connects popular culture, nostalgia and
radio heritage. It's a registered charitable entity [#CC25951] in
terms of the Charities Act 2005. Our global website is Annual supporter donations start at US$10. 
Independently funded by donations from global supporters like you. 

[Because some email addresses are kept on more than one list, you may
get more than one newsletter - which is sent to all our lists. We
regret any inconvenience. We currently have no ability to
de-duplicate addresses for newsletter mailings. Unsubscribe requests
should be sent to As we manually maintain
lists it may take some time to locate and remove an address]



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