Just heard K-Love on 940, and suspect WGRP in transition as it's been sold, being resold...


I wonder if the new owner will limit it to two watts at night.

WELD this eve announced it is in midst of xmtr work, could last 50 or 60 days (I had trouble hearing the number), and simulcasting on FM during this time. Music ***seemed*** a little more AC'ish than what it usually plays. I haven't been hearing them much at night (they're licenced for 14 watts so I shouldn't) these last few days and so given this anct wonder if this blessing is only temporary or if their longtime huge nightime signal was a sign of overall xmtr trouble and the fix will resolve all this.

It's tempting to call them and (in a friendly manner of course) see what's up. Unless someone here knows...

SSS cx seem tame tonight.

Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON

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