Hello All,
     The TP propagation here this morning  seemed a lot closer to Nigel's 
positive version than to Dennis' results, so  maybe the "parallel universes" 
are finally coming into convergence? In any case,  it's safe to say that the 
doldrums of the past two days are over, although it  didn't quite seem to 
be the best day of the season here, as Bruce  experienced.
     Once again DXing on the 9' loop, there  was strong audio from 648-VOR, 
657-Pyongyang and 675-Vietnam at  times, as well as occasional S9 audio 
from 594-JOAK, the 1053-Korean Jammer  and the 1134 kHz "TP Convention" 
frequency. Interesting signals were  on 828 kHz (a co-channel under JOBB) and 
kHz (presumed China). Both  603 and 1134 kHz had nice TP mixes, and a 738 
kHz co-channel under a  weakened BEL2 sounded more Japanese than Korean (but 
faded before a parallel  check could be made). This TP-chasing session was a 
refreshing  change from the mediocre situations of yesterday and Wednesday, 
and it  certainly seems that Asiatic propagation is getting back on track 
just in  time for an exciting weekend.
The stations below were received on a C.Crane SWP Slider model  (7.5" 
loopstick) inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop (in  the 
585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Fair with Japanese  conversation at 1311, // 594 
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Great signals all morning;  strong Japanese talk
           program at  1325 _http://www.mediafire.com/?pjyaz8r79bbaalb_ 
603  TP-Mix  Korean (HLSA) mixing with UnID Chinese at fair  level, 1315
639  CNR1  Beijing, China  Weak audio in and out from  1320-1330
648  VOR  Razdolnoye, Russia  Strong music during  Chinese program at
           1319; best  signal of season  
657  Pyongyang, N. Korea  Tirade at serious strength  with ragged carrier, 
666  JOBK  Osaka, Japan  Good Japanese talk program at 1327,  // 594
675  VOV  Hanoi, Vietnam  Fair to good strength with YL  Vietnamese news 
           splatter  at 1316  _http://www.mediafire.com/?gdijy5slap9xhfo_ 
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Fair Chinese pop music program  for most of 
738  UnID   A weak Japanese-sounding station was mixing  with BEL2 
           not seeming to  follow HKLG's usual format. Too weak to check 
KBS //
747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan Vibrant NHK2 signals in some KXL  splatter around 
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan  Fair Japanese signals no match for  KTTH splatter, 
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Fair strength but deep  fades over UnID 
co-channel, 1339
828  UnID  Music-playing station with apparent Chinese speech,  weak at 1339
891  JOHK  Sendai, Japan  Fair NHK1 signals from this 20 kw  overachiever 
at 1336
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Good signal with Korean  conversation around 
1045  China (presumed)  Fair strength Chinese speech and  music around 1312
1053  Korean Jammer  Back to super strength  
1134  TP-Mix  Japanese (JOQR) music and talk usually  dominant over Korean 
            KBS,  with both combining for an S9 level occasionally
1377  China (presumed)  Weak threshold audio back, a sign of  better 
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Fair to good Japanese religious  program around 
1575  VOA  Ban Rassom, Thailand  Weak-fair with Asiatic  language program, 
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock
              both mixing at an S9 level  
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