I decided to check for TPs on my recently purchased Winradio Excalibur last night before going to bed.

Several of the high powered regulars were heard with reasonably good signals at times. None were spectacular, but for this time of year they weren't bad.
594    JOAK carrier rising to weak talk 0915, good w/M&W at  0921 recheck
693    JOAB fair w/talk in Korean (matches what's listed on website) 0914
738 carrier 0120, carriers also clearly visible on the Excalibur's display on 585 657 756 837 891 927 936 1071 1107 & elsewhere 747 JOIB fair w/talk 0908, but weaker at 0911 recheck, good at 0924 10 db weaker than KXL
774    JOUB poor in 770 splat at first 0909, good at 0911 & 0930 rechecks
828    JOBB carrier visible on display 0910
972    Korea fair carrier weak audio 0930
1053   Korean  jammer audible 0919
1287    Japan mostly just a carrier 0916
1566    HLAZ Korean talk fair 0917

This was my first attempt at using the Excalibur for TP DXing on medium wave. I've spent a lot of time trying it out on the (cough cough) shortwave bands recently, and have been very favorably impressed with it (other than a few issues with the scheduling function). Having three displays is rather interesting, since one can be used as for spectrum viewing and the other for waterfall. The third display is for the full 0-30 MHz, and does a nice job of showing the amount of activity on the SWBC bands at any given time.


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