LOL John!:)

I wanted to be a broadcaster as long as I can remember that I have a memory.
Something about it intrigues me, partly how the signal gets from the station
to the listener.. but I love entertaining others while playing music.

For what it's worth, I started DXing early in life too. it was probbaly...
7th grade or so when, from Connecticut.. I first logged KDKA 1020
Pittsburgh, PA and shortly thereafter, 1190 WOWO Fort Wayne, IN.. for a kid
who knew nothing about AM Radio at the time, that was COOL!

Paul Walker

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 8:23 PM, Jon Maguire <> wrote:

> Paul, you're killing me!! :-D I just turned 61 on 2/1, and radio never gets
> old. I think the reason that
> most of us love this profession and hobby is the mystique of a radio signal
> that has traversed the earth,
> many times using the ionosphere. Whenever I hear DX, I get an exhilaration
> knowing that the signal has
> traveled hundreds or thousands of miles with the help of the atmosphere,
> magnetosphere and the sun!!
> What a rush!!
> My Dad was a Ham (I have his call) so I grew up around homebrew equipment,
> yagis, ozone and a plethora of
> friends from around the world. To paraphrase Gen MacArthur,  my last
> thoughts will be of the ether, the ether, the ether.
> 73... Jon W1MNK
> On 4/5/2011 1:37 PM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:
>> I am 27, born 11/19/1983 ;)
>> Still love AM... of my 7 radio jobs, 5 of them have been for small AM
>> stations.. wouldn't trade the expierience for anything.
>>  _______________________________________________
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