Got the radio bug from a cousin of mine who was into shortwave. Our 
grandparents lived out in the country and he would put up a wire and we would 
listen to the propaganda broadcasts (this was the mid-60s). 

Started in 1968 with a small Panasonic portable radio (transistor) which my 
family got from the local Triple-S stamp redemption center in nearby Fair Lawn. 
Picked up a couple hundred stations that summer and got a Hallicrafters S-120 
for Christmas. Never knew about radio clubs, but it was a lot of fun just doing 
it myself. I knew shortwave stations QSL'd, but never realized AM stations did 
too! To this day, I have just one BCB QSL: KOA in Denver on that same Panasonic 
portable (which no longer works) from 1977.

Three years later I got into amateur radio as WN2BSU and am now celebrating 40 
years in the hobby. Started in broadcasting in 1980 at WRKL in New City NY, 
worked full-time in radio in the mid-80s in WV, VA and IN before returning to 
NJ in 1986. Have been doing sports reporting at WGHT since 1999 on a part-time 
basis, in addition to working a day job. 
>Found out about NRC from my friend Dave Marthouse and joined in 2001. Also 
>joined IRCA. It's still fun to "just listen" and I do it once in a while. 
>Guess it's a return to my roots as a radio hobbyist. 
>Bob Antoniuk N2SU
>Clifton NJ
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