On 2011-05-10, at 9:55 AM, Patrick Martin wrote:

> The conditions are different this year. There are times when longer hops
> are there, but they don't last. Unfortunately DXing from the same QTH
> for as many years as I have, most of the DX on short hops,I have heard.
> There are a few ones I have not heard, but not too many. I should sit
> onthe GYers more.

Speaking of GYers, if you have not logged CIBQ-1340 Brooks AB you only
have a few days left, as they moved to FM (105.7) in mid Feb and the 90 day
simulcast period is nearly over.

This will leave their sister station CKSQ-1400 Stettler AB as the only GY
station left in Alberta. They cannot move to FM under the current CRTC
regulations which state that no owner can have more than two FM (or two AM) 
stations in
the same market (Newcap, the owner of CKSQ, also owns two FM stations in
nearby Red Deer). 


Deane McIntyre
Calgary AB

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