790 XEVA MEX Villahermosa –10 Sept 0522 –
Overtop Reloj and W??? KY, “ Asociación de Amigos del Jinete de la Pradera”
(translates as “Cowboy of the Prairie” and is also known as Carlos César Gil,
whose show is on the air on XEVA at this time, per Henrik Klemetz. NEW. SC-BR


620 XENK MEXICO, Mexico City – 10 Sept 0532
– Calls in Spanish (Ay-Kees-Ey Ey-Nay-Kah) and radio Seis Veinte ID. SC-BR


830 XEITE MEX Mexico City – 10 Sept 0602 – Two
Spanish stations in at times, both with music, mixing with WCCO. “Toda la
música está en la sintonía del amor” in between songs. La sintonía del amor is
a morning show on XEITE per Henrik Klemetz & Jon Hamilton. SC-BR


1190 unID – 10 Sept 0624 – Some Spanish
talk, mixing with KZZQ MO (a new catch, with country). Neil Kazaross hears 
de Mexico” and strongly suspects a major network and XEWK. Jon Hamilton hears
talk re a Coneval study on poverty in Mexico but no ID. Maybe XEWK in
Guadalajara? SC-BR


1190 KQQZ MO DeSoto – 10 Sept 0637 – ID
shared by a man and woman: “...Alan, George, Kitty, Mickey and Reba. All the 
country, the all-new KQQZ.” Followed by a jingle by a woman that included KQQZ
at the end. Mixing with Mexican unID and WOWO (Rush Limbaugh). NEW. SC-BR




830 WFNO LA Norco – 11 Sept 0216 – “La Raza
830” in Spanish. SC-BR


1010 WSPT WI Stevens Point – 11 Sept 2321 –
WSPT ID, then Beatles, solid u/CFRB, probably on day power. SC-BR




980 unID – 12 Sept 0639 – Toll-free studio
number on Tape 001 possibly left on recorder. Music and a syndicated show.
Welcome to something... SC-BR


1160 unID – 12 Sept 0645 – Bloomberg
Surveillance promo. Likely KSL UT, but can’t rule out KVCE TX. SC-BR


1190 WCRW VA Leesburg – 12 Sept 0706 –
China Radio International in English with talk about China. NEW. SC-BR

 Saul ChernosBurnt River ON 


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