
I've noticed that weather conditions have as much effect as solar/geomagnetic for overall reception and it varies with location.

What killed reception this morning, and is still fairly bad, is a cold front moving in when the humidity is already low. After the winds die down there still seems to be quite a charge in the upper atmosphere, I'm guessing stratosphere or maybe the D layer picks up an induced charge. Dunno for sure.

The noise level goes way up and more distant signals either aren't reflected or are absorbed. Since right now my receiver and antennas are going through almost daily changes I checked with my DX-440 and longwire just to make sure I hadn't forgotten to solder or fried something.

The noise peak moves down in frequency as it clears. at 20:00 local WWV at 5MHz is still noisier than usual but 10MHz is in the clear, better than usual and 2.5 is buried in the mud. MW is still trashed and I haven't bothered to check LW.

The only place I've noticed this pattern is in eastern SD and south western MN. Maybe Rick down in Omaha has noticed the same thing or someone in the prairie Provinces. Spring and fall are the most common times for this to happen.

By morning at least the X-band should be clear

On 10/10/2011 17:25, Walter Salmaniw wrote:
Right, Tim.  What a difference a day makes, and what NOAA says about
propagation is of little value, it seems.  A real crap shoot every
morning....going from one of my best mornings on Sunday, to one of the worst
on Monday.  Go figure!  ........Walt

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Tim Hills<thi...@sio.midco.net>  wrote:

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