I'm with Saul, George & Todd on this one.


J.D. Stephens

Sent from my iPod

On Feb 11, 2012, at 3:02 PM, wrote:

> Send IRCA mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of IRCA digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: PIRATE 1710 BIG Q (Tim Tromp)
>   2. Re KHMO and DX alerts (Chernos Saul)
>   3. Re: Re KHMO and DX alerts (George Santulli)
>   4. Re: PIRATE 1710 BIG Q (Robert Ross)
>   5. Re: WFIL DX Test this Sunday - a reminder (Glenn Hauser)
>   6. Re: Re KHMO and DX alerts (Todd)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 12:10:18 -0500
> From: Tim Tromp <>
> To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
>    <>
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] PIRATE 1710 BIG Q
> Message-ID:
>    <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Here you go Rob:
> "Thank you for listening to the Night Watchman Radio Program.  We're
> broadcasting from high atop the Constant Jammer Mountain Peak, with powers
> so big that you can see it from the orbiting space lab."
> My recording shows the station abruptly went off the air at 0940 UTC during
> Dr. Demento as Saul noted.  This has always been the case with the "Big Q"
> too, not to mention the odd broadcast time.  After listening to more of the
> recording, I could pick out a few unique sound bites that I've heard on the
> "Big Q" before.
> Regards,
> -Tim
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Robert Ross <> wrote:
>> Hi Tim:
>>   I'm not sure how long your recording ran??? But...If it was still
>> running at 0353 EST (0853 UTC).......can you please tell me what the DJ
>> said then. I heard him say .........
>> "We're Broadcasting from high atop the ???????"
>> I couldn't copy that last word?? Are you able to hear what he said???
>> Thanks...ROB VA3SW
>> Robert S. Ross
>> London, Ontario CANADA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 18:13:33 +0000
> From: Chernos Saul <>
> To: <>, <>,
>    <>,    <>
> Subject: [IRCA] Re KHMO and DX alerts
> Message-ID: <col121-w4072d382042aba957425e0a6...@phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I posted the one and only tip on this one, and word came through that my post 
> to these lists led to the broadvaster being immediately alerted to the 
> situation. So that even a couple minutes later, when other DXers tried for 
> it, KHMO was gone. My first instinct was to sit on the fence, and I still 
> understand the desire to let a friend in the industry know immediately when 
> something is awry. But I think this poses a dilemma for those of us who do 
> post tips - and compared to the total number of list subscribers, those of us 
> who post alerts are extremely few in number. If I post to a public list such 
> as this, the risk is that by doing so I am potentially putting the kaibosh on 
> the DX opportunity. This is not what my intent is when posting alerts. And it 
> stands to make me think twice about where I post such alerts in the future, 
> or whether I post them a few days after I have privately alerted a few people 
> who I know to be interested in chasing a signal such as this. Is this rea!
> y what we want?  I realize that we can't and shouldn't dictate what people on 
> the lists choose to do with the information. And I am also sensitive to a 
> broadcaster or engineer, on this list or even not on this list, who may 
> cringe at the thought their signal is getting out improperly. And I have 
> absolutely no problem with someone alerting an engineer a day or more 
> afterwards. I've done that myself with stations *chronically* having signal 
> issues. But this experience re KHMO creates a dilemma for me, and the only 
> way I can see resolving that dilemma is to find another, more discreet way to 
> alert DXers who I know will want to chase the signal. Someone help me work 
> through this one... Saul                           
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 13:47:59 -0500
> From: George Santulli <>
> To: IRCA <>, NRC NRC <>, NRC
>    <>, <>
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] Re KHMO and DX alerts
> Message-ID: <snt124-w17f01a3066bc8b2bbcdac4bc...@phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Saul, I will put in my two cents worth at the risk of being hung out to 
> dry... I started my current TV career in age the 
> requisite Third..Second and eventually First Class FCC license, all now 
> deceased. I understand the sensitivities of day pattern vs night pattern etc. 
> But for goodness was not like KHMO was leaking was 
> an error and my big deal. It did not kill off goldfish or 
> wombats in nearby was just a radio station left inadvertanly on 
> day power or pattern. I once had a job at now long gone KKIO in Santa 
> Barbara, CA. We were a daytimer on 1290 khz, maybe 5kw day, can't remember. 
> But it was a daytimer for sure. I had the "signoff" shift and a few times, 
> even after I went through the arduous task of shutting the XMTR link off, 
> there were times that the carrier was left on. I lived 40 miles from the 
> station and did have to go back a few times to re-cycle the shutdown 
> procedure. It was a rather compli!
> ted process and don't remember the details, only that a few times, the 
> carrier was left on. I would get home and the CE of KCUB in Tucson would call 
> to remind me that "we were still on the air", technically, because the 
> carrier was on and people on the westside of Tucson, were complaining of a 
> loss of fidelity etc. As far as I remember, no one was fried by my little 
> carrier left on, no cats jumping off rooftops. Sure it was not right 
> according to the rules...but.. So while I understand that by FCC regs a 
> station with a specific night pattern must adhere to the "rules", but in the 
> big picture we get so few breaks these days, wouldn't it have been nice to 
> give some folks a shot at a normally hard to get station?  No one wants the 
> CE to get into trouble, but it was not deliberate. That is my view. 
> Okay...bring out the cross, the wooden nails and let it be... George in 
> Virginia > From:
>> To:;;; 
>> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 18:13:33 +0000
>> Subject: [IRCA] Re KHMO and DX alerts
>> I posted the one and only tip on this one, and word came through that my 
>> post to these lists led to the broadvaster being immediately alerted to the 
>> situation. So that even a couple minutes later, when other DXers tried for 
>> it, KHMO was gone. My first instinct was to sit on the fence, and I still 
>> understand the desire to let a friend in the industry know immediately when 
>> something is awry. But I think this poses a dilemma for those of us who do 
>> post tips - and compared to the total number of list subscribers, those of 
>> us who post alerts are extremely few in number. If I post to a public list 
>> such as this, the risk is that by doing so I am potentially putting the 
>> kaibosh on the DX opportunity. This is not what my intent is when posting 
>> alerts. And it stands to make me think twice about where I post such alerts 
>> in the future, or whether I post them a few days after I have privately 
>> alerted a few people who I know to be interested in chasing a signal such as 
>> this. Is this re!
> ll!
>> y what we want?  I realize that we can't and shouldn't dictate what people 
>> on the lists choose to do with the information. And I am also sensitive to a 
>> broadcaster or engineer, on this list or even not on this list, who may 
>> cringe at the thought their signal is getting out improperly. And I have 
>> absolutely no problem with someone alerting an engineer a day or more 
>> afterwards. I've done that myself with stations *chronically* having signal 
>> issues. But this experience re KHMO creates a dilemma for me, and the only 
>> way I can see resolving that dilemma is to find another, more discreet way 
>> to alert DXers who I know will want to chase the signal. Someone help me 
>> work through this one... Saul                           
>> _______________________________________________
>> IRCA mailing list
>> Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the 
>> original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the 
>> IRCA, its editors, publishing staff, or officers
>> For more information:
>> To Post a message:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 14:03:43 -0500
> From: Robert Ross <>
> To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
>    <>
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] PIRATE 1710 BIG Q
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On 2012-02-11, at 12:10 PM, Tim Tromp wrote:
>> Here you go Rob:
>> "Thank you for listening to the Night Watchman Radio Program.  We're
>> broadcasting from high atop the Constant Jammer Mountain Peak, with powers
>> so big that you can see it from the orbiting space lab."
>> My recording shows the station abruptly went off the air at 0940 UTC during
>> Dr. Demento as Saul noted.  This has always been the case with the "Big Q"
>> too, not to mention the odd broadcast time.  After listening to more of the
>> recording, I could pick out a few unique sound bites that I've heard on the
>> "Big Q" before.
>> Regards,
>> -Tim
> Thanks Tim.........I appreciate you filling in the Blanks on that partial ID 
> I heard....and confirming it was actually THE BIG Q.......which is what I 
> figured!!
> I was hearing them on a BAREFOOT Ultralight SONY SRF-T615 the 
> signal was not always times it was though! Some deep Fades and 
> Noise at times.
> 73....ROB VA3SW
> Robert S. Ross
> London, Ontario CANADA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 12:27:12 -0800 (PST)
> From: Glenn Hauser <>
> To:
> Cc:,, mwdx
>    <>,,,
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] WFIL DX Test this Sunday - a reminder
> Message-ID:
>    <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> According to NRC Pattern Book, the direxionality is: major lobe to the SE, 
> minor to the NW, nulls to the NE and SW. 
> But FCC plot shows the lobes are not that different, and the nulls not that 
> deep:
> Glenn Hauser
> --- On Fri, 2/10/12, Mike Terry <> wrote:
>> From Rene' F. Tetro on IRCA and
>> ABDX:
>> ?
>> The WFIL DX Test will be conducted Sunday Morning from
>> 12:00AM - 12:55AM
>> Eastern (0500-0555 UTC).? WFIL is licensed to Philadelphia,
>> PA and will be
>> operating on our Daytime Directional Array at 5KW.? The end
>> time has been
>> adjusted to 12:55AM, instead of 01:00AM.? This will afford
>> listeners in our
>> region to possibly hear other stations on 560. We will turn
>> off our carrier
>> from 12:55AM until 1:02AM, which will allow listeners to
>> catch top of the
>> hour IDs.
>> Reception reports should be emailed to:
>> If you still prefer snail mail, reports can also be sent
>> to:
>> ? ? ? DX Test
>> ? ? ? WFIL Radio
>> ? ? ? 117 Ridge Pike
>> ? ? ? Lafayette Hill, PA? 19444-1901
>> Details of the test:
>> ? ? ? Voice ID's will be given about every 5 minutes
>> ? ? ? Morse Code ID's will be given four times
>> ? ? ? Audio tones:? Sweeps, Warblers, Morse Code Letter
>> "V" Repeated
>> ? ? ? WFIL Jingles from the 60s and 70s
>> ? ? ? Music:? Stars and Stripes Forever at aprox. :05
>> and :32
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I Want to Hold Your Hand (Beatles) at
>> aprox :16 and :43
>> ? ? ? The test will begin at exactly 0001 EST (0501 UTC)
>> ? ? ? The test will end at exactly 0056 EST (0556 UTC)
>> WFIL will turn off its carrier from 0056 - 0102 to allow
>> people our region
>> to attempt It's of other stations on 560.? WFIL will resume
>> normal
>> broadcasting on night pattern @ 5KW at 0102.
>> ? ? ? 
>> Good luck.? 
>> 73,
>> Rene'
>> Rene' F. Tetro, Director of Engineering and IT
>> Salem Communications - Philadelphia
>> ? ? WFIL 560AM:? "Philadelphia's Christian Teaching &
>> Talk Station"
>> ? ? WNTP? 990AM:? "Intelligent Conservative Talk"
>> 117 Ridge Pike
>> Lafayette Hill, PA? 19444
>> Voice:?
>> 610-828-6965??????????????610-828-6965???????
>> Ext: 41
>> Fax:? 610-828-6725
>> Email:?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 15:01:29 -0600
> From: Todd <>
> To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
>    <>, NRC NRC <>, NRC
>    <>,
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] Re KHMO and DX alerts
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hi,
> This is my 2 cents worth: this is a HARDCORE radio club. I believe that this 
> site is for the hardcore DX'ERS. This site exists for other hardcore dx'ers 
> to help other hardcore dx'ers. We are here to be positive in giving other 
> dx'ers tips that may net them their closest unheard. In my case my #1300 
> station was just recently heard was a daytimer 1530 England, AR on at night. 
> If Bill hadn't of posted that tip, I would still be at 1299.
> Todd Skaine 
> Woodbury, MN
> 2010, PL 310 or 
> Toyota radio
> George Santulli <> wrote:
>> Saul, I will put in my two cents worth at the risk of being hung out to 
>> dry... I started my current TV career in age the 
>> requisite Third..Second and eventually First Class FCC license, all now 
>> deceased. I understand the sensitivities of day pattern vs night pattern 
>> etc. But for goodness was not like KHMO was leaking 
>> was an error and my big deal. It did not kill off goldfish 
>> or wombats in nearby was just a radio station left inadvertanly 
>> on day power or pattern. I once had a job at now long gone KKIO in Santa 
>> Barbara, CA. We were a daytimer on 1290 khz, maybe 5kw day, can't remember. 
>> But it was a daytimer for sure. I had the "signoff" shift and a few times, 
>> even after I went through the arduous task of shutting the XMTR link off, 
>> there were times that the carrier was left on. I lived 40 miles from the 
>> station and did have to go back a few times to re-cycle the shutdown 
>> procedure. It was a rather compl!
> a!
>> ted process and don't remember the details, only that a few times, the 
>> carrier was left on. I would get home and the CE of KCUB in Tucson would 
>> call to remind me that "we were still on the air", technically, because the 
>> carrier was on and people on the westside of Tucson, were complaining of a 
>> loss of fidelity etc. As far as I remember, no one was fried by my little 
>> carrier left on, no cats jumping off rooftops. Sure it was not right 
>> according to the rules...but.. So while I understand that by FCC regs a 
>> station with a specific night pattern must adhere to the "rules", but in the 
>> big picture we get so few breaks these days, wouldn't it have been nice to 
>> give some folks a shot at a normally hard to get station?  No one wants the 
>> CE to get into trouble, but it was not deliberate. That is my view. 
>> Okay...bring out the cross, the wooden nails and let it be... George in 
>> Virginia > From:
>>> To:;;; 
>>> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 18:13:33 +0000
>>> Subject: [IRCA] Re KHMO and DX alerts
>>> I posted the one and only tip on this one, and word came through that my 
>>> post to these lists led to the broadvaster being immediately alerted to the 
>>> situation. So that even a couple minutes later, when other DXers tried for 
>>> it, KHMO was gone. My first instinct was to sit on the fence, and I still 
>>> understand the desire to let a friend in the industry know immediately when 
>>> something is awry. But I think this poses a dilemma for those of us who do 
>>> post tips - and compared to the total number of list subscribers, those of 
>>> us who post alerts are extremely few in number. If I post to a public list 
>>> such as this, the risk is that by doing so I am potentially putting the 
>>> kaibosh on the DX opportunity. This is not what my intent is when posting 
>>> alerts. And it stands to make me think twice about where I post such alerts 
>>> in the future, or whether I post them a few days after I have privately 
>>> alerted a few people who I know to be interested in chasing a signal such 
>>> as this. Is this r!
> a!
>> ll!
>>> y what we want?  I realize that we can't and shouldn't dictate what people 
>>> on the lists choose to do with the information. And I am also sensitive to 
>>> a broadcaster or engineer, on this list or even not on this list, who may 
>>> cringe at the thought their signal is getting out improperly. And I have 
>>> absolutely no problem with someone alerting an engineer a day or more 
>>> afterwards. I've done that myself with stations *chronically* having signal 
>>> issues. But this experience re KHMO creates a dilemma for me, and the only 
>>> way I can see resolving that dilemma is to find another, more discreet way 
>>> to alert DXers who I know will want to chase the signal. Someone help me 
>>> work through this one... Saul                            
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IRCA mailing list
>>> Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the 
>>> original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the 
>>> IRCA, its editors, publishing staff, or officers
>>> For more information:
>>> To Post a message:
>> _______________________________________________
>> IRCA mailing list
>> Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the 
>> original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the 
>> IRCA, its editors, publishing staff, or officers
>> For more information:
>> To Post a message:
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> IRCA mailing list
> Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
> contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
> editors, publishing staff, or officers
> For more information:
> To Post a message:
> End of IRCA Digest, Vol 94, Issue 28
> ************************************

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