I'm jumping in late but I write all my details into Composition books, 1 for
MW and 1 for SW.

I keep my MW log in Excel with several tabs. Main tab for stations heard and
verified. One tab has the US states, Canadian provinces and Mexican states.
This links to the logs so I know heard/verified by state/prov and country.
Another tab for reception reports sent, another for CA county
heard/verified, one for TIS/HAR. I have other files specific to GYers and
XEs. I print all these every year or so and comb bind them into a nice book.


> Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 18:14:14 -0500
> From: "James & Donna Niven" <jni...@austin.rr.com>
> To: <a...@wtfda.info>, <a...@nrcdxas.org>, <irca@hard-core-dx.com>,
>       "WTFDA" <tvf...@lists.wtfda.info>
> Subject: [IRCA] How do you keep track of your DX Loggings for AM, FM
>       etc?
> Content-Type: text/plain;     charset="US-ASCII"
> Hello All,
> I want to begin a discussion on "How do you keep track of your DX
> Loggings?"

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