I sent out the early edition at 1105 utc and had times listed for 7 stations in 
the 1300 hour. I have corrected the times below. Only 4 stations heard that 
were not present during the first listening period.Second listening session 
1330-1410 utc. We did get .15" more rain from 1105 to 1540 utc.  
153    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1020-1024 fair signal. America Country music song 
followed by man in Russian. Good signal at 1403.  NW ewe. 10/31/2012

180    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1025-1026 fair signal with man interviewing woman 
in Russian. NW ewe. Off air 1504. 10/31/2012

189    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1028 fair signal with same interview as above. 1405 
very weak. NW ewe. 10/31/2012

279    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1029 fair signal // 189. NW ewe. 1405 good signal. 

594    JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1031 weak signal with woman in Japanese. NW ewe. Fair 
signal at 1337 with sports event. W-SW ewe. 10/31/2012

738    TAHITI, Radio Polynesie 1039 weak signal with woman in French. W-SW 

774    JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1034 good signal with woman in Japanese. W-SW ewe. 

828    JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1036 good signal // 774. W-SW ewe. 10/31/2012

972     REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLCA  good signal at 1344 with man singing. W-SW 
ewe. 10/31/2012 

1053   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, 1338 fair signal with jamming. 1346 good signal over 
W-SW ewe.10/31/2012

1053    DPR KOREA, Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front 1348 -1352 weak 
at times getting through the jammer.  // 3480 with music-talk. W-SW ewe. 
1287   JAPAN, JOHR HBC 1031-1042 fair signal with woman followed by man in 
Japanese. W-SW ewe. 10/31/2012

1323    CHINA, CRI 1355-1400 assuming the station with music with fair signal 
briefly fading to very weak in and out signal. W-SW ewe. 10/31/2012

1566   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ FEBC 1044 good signal with Classical music. W-SW 
ewe. 10/31/2012

1575   THAILAND,  Radio Saranrom 1045-1049 man singing followed by woman in 
Thai. (PALs). W-SW ewe. 10/31/2012

Best regards,

Kalama, WA
NW-SW ewes - Sky wire loop 753'
High Performance Active whip
Solar Indices SF 106 A 2 K 0 (0900 utc) (1200 utc)
Local Sunrise  1451 utc
          Sunset   0058 utc
October rain total 12.72 inch
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