Hello All,

Yesterday morning's superb TP conditions continued right up through the Asian 
sunset period this early morning (0930-1050), but they seemed to fall off of a 
cliff sometime before this morning's west coast sunrise. During the Asian 
sunset many huge signals were in and out from both the Japanese and Korean big 
guns on 594, 747, 828, 972, 1053, 1134 and 1566 kHz, several of which 
momentarily produced their best audio of the season (594, 828 and 1134 kHz).  A 
couple of other TP's were also unusually strong during this early morning 
session, including 603-HLSA (which managed its best audio of the season around 
1035, apparently before Hulun Buir had any boost from sunset skip) and 
738-BEL2. Figuring that this morning's west coast sunrise session would have 
even better TP propagation, I didn't bother to set up the 8" FSL in the back 
yard and really go after the vibrant TP signals during this Asian sunset 
period-- which was a big mistake. Only two recordings were made, and I didn't !
 bother to check all the TP signals and list each one's strength. Sometime 
between 1050 and 1400 UTC this morning the band seemed to go into a deep 
freeze, with only the strongest Asiatic big guns (972 and 1575 kHz) managing a 
few seconds of anemic audio around 1450. This sunrise session was actually one 
of the worst in recent memory, and a stark contrast to the vibrant TP 
propagation only three hours earlier. Overall this morning's Asian sunset 
session was one of the best TP propagation events of the entire season-- just 
like yesterday morning's superb sunrise opening to China.
603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair Korean speech and music 
          during Asian sunset around 1035-- its best signal of the season
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Fair Chinese YL speech during Asian 
          sunset around 1045; in and out during early morning session
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" MW loopstick Tecsun PL-380 +
8" Medium Wave FSL (DXing indoors because of the bizarre hour)

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