Nick -

Studio One is free with Perseus purchases.

The Afedri has been tested by top notch MW DXer Bjarne Mjelde and he is quite satisfied. As it has less dynamic range that the Perseus, I expect someone with some antenna will sooner or later see a small problem. But with a delivered price tag of around $250 I think it will gain an audience.


On 11/24/2012 7:45 AM, Nick Hall-Patch wrote:
I would think that the Perseus has the largest user base, Les, and as Neil mentioned, there is other software, though Studio 1 has a price tag (successor to WRPlus with which I believe you have some experience) .

I hope some of the Excalibur users check in. I haven't DXed with it, but was quite impressed with its software interface when Bruce Conti showed it to me, and I believe it is the least expensive of the "full MW band" SDRs. Mind you, the inability to record large bandwidth without using a workaround or paying extra could be a deal breaker, and so far, if you don't like the vendor's software, I'm not sure there is any alternative.

As a caveat to the "least expensive" above, there is the Afedri SDR-net, 1200kHz bandwidth, but I think you would be breaking new ground for the MW DXer; they claim you can drive it with SDR-radio software. I'd be tempted to try it, especially if I travelled more; maybe next year.

My own experience is with RFSpace, but I suspect the NetSDR's premium price is justified only for those with instrumentation interests, are looking for the potential for two different radios in one box (developed but not yet sold; but try listening to a shortwave parallel for a MW TP on any other SDR) and/or who like the idea of being provided with example software that they can modify for their own use. It will be interesting to see how the imminent version 2 of SDR-console flies. Free, continually upgraded software, but version 1.5 never quite addressed some of my concerns as a DXer, which surprisingly, Spectravue did.

best wishes,


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