Hi Craig,

Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

>>The antenna you have does look good. Karl recommended the 8-bay
antenna which is also very good. I've used that 8-bay on my tower since
TV went digital. It's aimed at Boston stations around 40 miles away, and
the local stations are 90 degrees off the side of the antenna. Boston
stations read over 90 percent on the receiver, yet the local stations
which are two miles away off to the side are slightly lower. That
antenna is very directional. Channel Master CM-7777 is about the best

I forgot to mention that the preamp I have is the CM 7777.
  I do have translators I get off Megler Mt that are 12.1 miles away,
and they are strong, but I don't get eveything I want from them. Some
have not gone ditital as yet. All of the Gray's River ones are digital,
so they have more sub channels.
At 12.1 miles away (LOS), I get:

17D (NBC)  1.8 KW ERP  94%
21A (FOX)   12.1KW
23D (PBS)   5.7KW    100%
26A (ABC)   23 KW
34D (CBS)   .586 KW  62%

The Gray's River translators have ABC in Digital which has the best
signal (no lock), Ch 38, and has METV for their sub channel. A friend 4
miles North of me gets that Gray's River tx at 81%, but he doesn't have
the hill blocking him. 

>>What I would do is move the antenna around to see if there is a sweet
spot. Would also get a 20' pipe of the largest diameter that the antenna
will mount and guy wire it. Height makes a difference, and a length of
pipe would stand up to your 100mph wind.<<

Would that extra 5 feet make any difference? I have temp raised the
antenna up to 25 feet in the Summer and still no difference in signal.
The TV Fool info says I would have to go up to 100 feet to make any
difference. That hill is about 2 miles away nd may be a few hundred feet
>>Do you get different reception in winter vs. summer? Leaves can absorb
signal. <<

I have not noticed that much of a difference and there is nothing
blocking the antenna to the N/NE from my house to the hill. So no leaves
of others things in the way. The Spruce trees are a long ways off. 

>>So far the best receiver I've had for TV is the current TiVo unit.
Tried a few others including a rather expensive PHD-8VX. It was almost
as good as TiVo. 

Thanks. I am looking for a good portable TV to try and find the sweet
spot if possible. I need a digital portable TV anyway. 
>>Back in the 1950's a person in NY state had a similar problem as you
do, a hill in the way. What he did was made a rhombic antenna on that
hill aimed to New York City and connected directly to another rhombic
aimed to him. That was a passive reflector and allowed him to receive
TV. Kind of a cool trick.<<

These Grays River tx are lp too, running from 500 w to 1KW ERP and that
doesn't help either.  Again thanks.  I may try the 8 Bay as it would not
be as tight of a pattern as the Yagi. 


Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KGED QSL Manager

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