All times and dates strictly UT. Rx: mostly DX-398 with internal antenna only. 
Or FRG-7, Sony SRF-59 when specified.

These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:

** MEXICO. 540, Jan 18 at 0632 UT, `Hora Nacional` promo, 0633 PSA for 
Instituto Estatal Electoral, but didn`t hear which state; ``Sí, se puede`` 
federal PSA. Then ID as ``90.5, La Ranchera de Paquime, y 540 AM``, also 
mentions group BM Radio, and on to romantic music. XETX once again from Nuevo 
Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, and still no sign of XEWA. Sounds like they stress it 
Paquíme, rather than Paquimé (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** MEXICO. 800, Jan 24 at 1307 UT, ``XEROK, la estación más potente del norte 
de México, 50 mil watts``, then hyped news ID numerous times as ``Calibre 800`` 
--- must be contraxion for canal libre, outro? Then a prayer rendering gracias 
to some señor, choral music bit; 1311 over to live announcer, YL emitting her 
own ``cucú`` laughing, silly chatter with others; she has poor dixion, also 
mentions sibling station XEWG 1240, so simulcast? XEROK is really peaking now, 
way over KQCV OKC still on night facilities; other guy promotes that later this 
morning he is going to give away tickets to an Indios game on Sunday; 6:14 TC, 
talk about the `clima`, current temp 6C. Now the distorted modulation station 
is starting to QRM, presumably XEDD or XEZR, still not positively IDed. As for 
the power, we know XEROK was once 150 kW, and IRCA Mexican Log still shows that 
day and night, while Cantú and WRTH 2013 both show 50 kW now (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** MEXICO. 830, Jan 24 at 1317 UT, Spanish news from between SW and SSW, vs 
WCCO opposite, jarring mispronunciation of François Hollande as ``frankois``, 
each letter pronounced, 7:18 TC, 1321 ID as Radio Zócalo, ad mentions Colonia 
Lomas del Norte, then Piedras Negras, FM frequency jingle ending in .9, i.e. 
100.9 as XHIK is listed, on to music. As previously researched, this is XEIK in 
Piedras Negras, Coahuila, R. Zócalo being the group or news name connected with 
Saltillo, while all references continue to name this 830 outlet La Norteñita 

** MEXICO. UNIDENTIFIED. 900, Jan 18 at 0649 UT, screaming gospel huxter in 
Spanish, loops N/S with SAH. I sure hope this is not what has become of the 
once mighty XEW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

900, Jan 24 at 0643 UT, program promos for W Radio, atop CCI with SAH, 0645 
traditional XEW descending chimes.

900, Jan 24 at 0655 UT, now however, preacher with howling audience including 
kidsounds, which as before I hope is elsewhence than XEW: it is, 0659 
concluding with assertion that música rock es satánica, ID as Radio Así (sounds 
like, meaning thus, or that`s the way it is; or could it be Asís as in San 
Francisco de?) and refers to `La Biblia Dice` as program name, lunes a jueves 
11 pm a 1 am, which has just been reached in CST. 0700 ``Radio Así en 900 de 
amplitud modulada``, website ending in .mx; 0701 mentions Monterrey, but more 
`La Biblia Dice`, 0702 mentions Nuevo León and 900 AM again.

Anyhow, this must be what is listed as XEOK, La OK Noticias, 10/0.25 kW in 
Monterrey per IRCA Mexican Log 2012; WRTH same except has Radio Tráfico as 
additional slogan. Cantú as OK Noticias only and nite power as 2.5 kW, which is 
more like it. 900 in Monty was once a co-channel XEW relay as XEWM, long gone. 
Monty and DF are close to same direxion from here, Monty somewhat further west.

O, here`s what it really is, as linked from Cantú`s NL listings: Radio ACIR, 
not Así. That`s the name of a national group but this particular website is for 
the Monterrey XEOK station; beware, en vivo audio autolaunches! 
Program schedule is not helpful with large blox including these merely labeled 
``Pro. Nacional o Independiente`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 960, Jan 22 at 0600-0605 UT, during local KGWA Fox-hole with 
remaining strong open carrier nulled: dominated by Mexican music, 0602 ID 
mentions ``Chihuahua, México``, so XEFAMA again, Ciudad Camargo, which is 
becoming famous around here for penetrating KGWA. Romantic music until KGWA 
modulation blasts back on at 0605 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 970, Jan 20 at 1240 UT, just as I tune in, ``La Jota Mexicana, 
9-70``, i.e. XEJ Juárez, Chihuahua (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1090, Jan 23 at 0636 UT, ``en tu radio, Milenio 103.7 FM`` and back 
to rock music in English. I think not, but something on 1090 AM, i.e. XEAU in 
Monterrey NL, listed 250 or 500 watts at night, but not so unusual here, and in 
fact often dominant. Now it`s a bit easier as KAAY Little Rock is reported off 
the air, maybe forever.

1090, Jan 24 at 0600 UT, Mexican NA no doubt XEAU too, and 0640 with music in 
English. Also at 1251 ID as Milenio Radio, 6:51 TC, SAH from something (Glenn 

** MEXICO. 1100, Jan 23 at 1252 UT, frenetic banda music looping NE/SW, quick 
announcement unreadable by SHVA, then a slow song. 1253 plays fanfares several 
times, 1254 YL introduces newscast with phone number, www. site mentioning 
Zacatecas. Possibly separate stations, as rechecking the bearing now it`s 
closer to N/S appropriate for Zac, i.e. per Cantú:
1100 XETGO Radio Cañón + FM 90.1 Tlaltenango, Zac. 5,000 400
And IRCA agrees; WRTH shows power as 5/0.5 kW. 1257 fading, as KFAB 1110 
splatter overtakes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)  

** MEXICO. 1560, Jan 19 at 0645 UT, ``en Radio Viva, proclamamos lo altísimo 
[``the most high``], Radio Viva 15-60`` on to gospel rock in Spanish. I figured 
this would be easy to look up, but no such slogan on 1560 in NRC AM Log. Nor 
Radio ``Vida``, as it could have been. NRC has the only SS:REL on 1560 as KVAN 
in Burbank WA, night power 700 watts. Soon lost in QRM and did not get a 
bearing on it. O, here is Radio Viva in the IRCA Mexican Log: XEJPV, Ciudad 
Juárez, Chihuahua, 10/-1 kW --- the minus really means 
presumed/suspected/estimated night power. WRTH 2013 says 1 kW fulltime, and 
Cantú says 1 kW daytime only: hardly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1570, Jan 19 at 1529 UT, Spanish, can it be XERF, or Tulsa? By 
golly, promo for `La Hora Nacional`, and it loops correctly for XERF, almost 
two hours after sunrise and about a megameter away. Sure helps to be La 
Poderosa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESET)

** MEXICO. 2910, Jan 24 at 1223 UT, very poor in Spanish, S9+10 with fading but 
not enough vs noise level, so XEVT Villahermosa, Tabasco, as previously 
identified, is still third-harmonicizing from 970. Surprisingly, by now I have 
yet to see anyone else reporting it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 747, Jan 24 at 1325 UT, JBA TP carrier detected here on a quick 
check, soon gone, no time for a complete MW 9 kHz scan; typically NHK Japan 

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