I call it the disco ball effect. : ) 




On Apr 9, 2013, at 5:08 PM, d1028g...@aol.com wrote:

> Nick (and Patrick),
> One of the most interesting aspects of this hobby is how long-range 
> propagation favors certain areas, especially when salt water is part of the 
> mix. During the peak season years (2008-2010) Walt would run wild on Masset 
> with strong TA reception, and Nick in Victoria would do very well also. Guy 
> and I in Puyallup got a very watered-down version, while Patrick didn't come 
> away with much either. For Asian TP's both Nick and Dennis hear multiple 
> Japanese stations that I have no trace of, while I routinely get Koreans and 
> Chinese that don't show up for them. Once Bruce had 729-JOCK at a decent 
> level, while I had 729-China coming in well at exactly the same time (with no 
> trace of JOCK). For DU's, Patrick on the Oregon coast definitely seems to 
> have the edge, though.
> 73, Gary
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Hall-Patch <n...@ieee.org>
> To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America 
> <irca@hard-core-dx.com>
> Sent: Tue, Apr 9, 2013 7:57 am
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] Best-Ever  Signal Here on 1610-Anguilla Beacon
> Interestingly, good Caribbean conditions have accompanied over the 
> pole trans-Atlantic conditions in the past here, so I was interested 
> to see Gary's catch shortly after I was hearing late season TA 
> carriers.   There seem to be fewer possibilities for the Caribbean 
> (beyond Cuba) in recent years however.
> best wishes,
> Nick
> At 08:07 09-04-13, you wrote:
>> Gary,
>> The beverage is what brings the Eastern DX in. Without it, I would not
>> hear half of what I do from the East. I do not live in a great location
>> for Eastern DX with the foothills of the Coast Range not that far away.
>> I remember back in the early 70s when Bill Block just using a loop,
>> living in Portland and we would compare DX. I did not have a beverage,
>> but I did have a 600 foot longwire. Bill Block always got the Eastern
>> stations stronger than I did and he got more of them. That extra
>> mountain range really can knock down the signal strength. The guys up
>> North, where you are, as well as Lower BC get the TAs much stronger than
>> I do. When Nick reports a TA carrier, I never get a peep. When he
>> reports a weak TA signal, I may get a moderate carrier. Strong signals
>> he reports, I have a shot at. Too many close-in mountains in the way. I
>> do well on some frequencies, but only if there are no strong blocking
>> stations.  Of course the exception is anything with a waterpath like TPs
>> an DUs. 1610 does have two TIS locals. One at Cape Disappointment, WA
>> (straight across the Columbia River at about 10-15 miles and Warrenton,
>> near the Boat Basin has a lp TIS too, but neither really block the
>> frequency, but as you mentioned other TIS stations around the NW can QRM
>> often.
>> 73,
>> Patrick
>> Patrick Martin
>> Seaside OR
>> KGED QSL Manager
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