On Monday 01 July 2013 22:43:24 Chuck wrote:
> There really should not be much talk about the end of the hobby. In the 
> last 5 years, there has been fantastic international DX reported from 
> Newfoundland, the midwest and the Pacific NW. Perhaps that is not your 
> thing, but it does indicate that with special antennas and special (SDR) 
> receivers, it is possible from North America to receive  stations from 
> India to Mozambique to Chile.

Obviously, the stations are still out there (for the most part), and the 
propagation mechanisms still work.

> There's plenty to keep me interested although it may mean travel for a 
> week and reviewing SDR recordings for a year.

That's a minority interest at best.  Sure, great catches are still available 
from great locations, but most of us in the hobby are primarily interested in 
DXing from our home locations.  For us, these are discouraging times, with no 
hope of improvement in sight.

Kudos to Lee Freshwater... he did yeoman service providing a free source of 
AM station information for many years, and it was his database that gave me 
the opportunity to start my own free lookup/search site.  I fully sympathize 
with his feelings... it's hard to justify continuing to put the time and 
effort into maintaining such a site when your own DX efforts are frustrated 
by intolerable local noise levels.  I'm not planning to shut my site down 
anytime soon, but you can only sustain the interest for so long...


Barry McLarnon VE3JF  Ottawa, ON
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