Radio Heritage Foundation
August 15 2013


If you like what we do....please help us face the battle to pay
our way......

Keeping Radio Memories

It's one-third of the way through our financial year, and time
to reflect on progress being made with the project to look after
radio memories. We learn almost weekly of major shortwave radio
stations going silent, of AM and FM radio folding under the onslaught
of digital radio, of hobby magazines like Monitoring Times closing
down..............and suddenly it's good to know that there is a
place where people are doing something to keep radio memories alive,
collected and protected, and shared with others............ 

10 days to find $3899 to pay the bills

Keeping radio memories safe, even with volunteer time and skills,
still has some costs, just like running a household. Despite kind
donations since April 1, our tank is still running on half empty and
if you like what we do, please make a donation today................

*$100 Sponsor x 39 or $1.92/week
*$75 Contributing Gold x 52 or $1.44/week
*$35 Regular Gold x 111 or 67 cents/week

Each individual who reads this can make the difference for less than
the price of even one cup of coffee a week, so please, just visit today and make your donation.

If you're in New Zealand you can also make a very simple bank
transfer to our BNZ Courtenay Place account # 02-0568-0025796-00 and
we issue tax receipts so you can claim one-third back ......

And we'll keep doing our work so more people can enjoy 350+ features,
hundreds of photos and images and the growing group of radio station
guides all for free............thanks on behalf of thousands of
people who visit the project every month searching for radio
memories...............they'll find them thanks to you.

Aussie & now Kiwi Radio Guides

As a volunteer based organization, we depend on new technologies to
do the work, keep in contact, and make life a little easier. Thanks
to Chris, our ever patient Webmaster, we've now got some ways to
involve others in the exciting task of data entry, which results in
things like THE New Zealand Radio Guide, the amazingly popular
Australian Radio Guide and other neat services that folks enjoy, and
find useful. Have you used them yet?

Facebook is OK for some

Nearly 700 now like us on Facebook too, where we share items from the
collections, stories, news, competitions and enjoy feedback and
comments from supporters come and like us:

More staying longer

More people are now staying much longer at the project, and the new
Retro Radio Dial features are proving very I
hope you've seen the new features on the early days of Radio 2AP
Samoa and the US Armed Forces Radio Mosquito Network station 1ZM in
Auckland, New Zealand.........

Our thanks to folks who keep the collections refreshed with more
memorabilia every week.....station ephemera, QSL cards, promotional
items..........but please don't send transmitters and antennas or old
radios...........we just don't have the room for them!


Enjoy the rest of summer, or winter..........and visit the project as
often as you can......even if you read just one feature a day you'll
be back every day for almost a year.............and if you'll help us
cover the A$3,899 shortfall in operating costs by August 21 we'll be
honored to add you to the Supporters Roll of Honor and you'll know
you've done such a lot for less than the cost of one cup of coffee a

Warm wishes
Dave Ricquish
Radio Heritage Foundation
Email 'code PW8' to to be removed from this
list and allow 15 days for manual removal by a volunteer from our
system. No, we get no grants from any government, the radio industry
or big business.......just donations from good and patient folks who
like what we're doing...and we're proud to recognize everyone who
helps out in any way they can.......and we're always free and open

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