East Coast version is with autumn / winter pre-sunset TA's: major blasters such as Saudi Arabia 1521 in at 1 to 2 p.m. when sunset is 4 to 5 p.m. EST. Not uncommon at east-facing sites here on Cape Cod.

In Newfoundland, Norway 1314 (now gone) was 'round the clock on November DXpeditions a few years back.

From Nova Scotia, VE1ZZ routinely works across "the pond" at high noon local time on 160-meter CW from this time of year onward till Feb./Mar.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

The party finally ended rather quickly around 1625
when many signals took their respective nosedives, but a few like 1566
and 1575 held on until 1700 or so. The final holdout, as near as I can
tell, was the Korean on 972 which was still producing weak audio at
1730.  Just for grins, we checked the dial for TPs at noon but couldn't
find any.

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