Awfully glad that the TA's didn't amount to much tonight...there were serious recordings from this morning to go through. Conditions were pretty reasonable around 1400UT, and lasted until after 1500UT for some stations, then things went downhill until around 1530UT when several stations came back for their strongest signals of the morning including my big mystery on 1098, which hadn't heard of Murphy and faded up to 1600UT and beyond:

Does that mean anything to anyone? It sounds vaguely CC, but not quite, to my rather ignorant ears, and was pretty much spot on 1098.000. They had odd repeated chanting by a man about 15-20 minutes earlier. Things finally finished off about 1610UT when most audio disappeared. I guess that solar burst yesterday blew away the D-layer, hi.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least briefly):

747 JOIB man in JJ 1533UT
774 JOUB man in JJ 1530UT, one of its strongest of the morning.
828 JOBB man in JJ, woman in unID language 1411UT
972 HLCA man and woman in KK 1557UT going into a ballad that faded down to barely heard pips at 1600UT
1566 HLAZ man in CC 1548UT, for its strongest signal of the morning.

Reasonable audio at times during the period (much of it understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

279 R. Rossii man in RR 1343UT
603 HLSA?   quiet female vocal 1553UT
639 CNR1 man in CC 1354UT, ID'd at 1326UT with weaker signal //6030
1017 CRI soft mx then woman in KK? 1535UT; ID'd with weak chimes and fanfare at 1400UT 1098 unID. oriental stringed and pipe mx at 1600UT leading up to woman talking over the mx, sounding somewhat CC; strongest 9kHz channel on band at this time.
1287 JOHR man and woman in JJ 1538UT, its best signal of the morning
1323 CRI likely, man in RR 1530UT, best of the morning

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be understood by a native speaker:
567 JOIK woman in JJ 1333UT //594
594 JOAK man in JJ 1323UT; never caught this any better than this low level
693 JOAB slipped through the splash 1533UT //747 man in JJ
702 N. Korea? portentous instrumental mx not //774, and with a hum, 1340UT, so guessing this. Also, a moment later 657 faded up with similar mx, as this faded down, though they aren't listed as // at this time in PAL.
738 Tahiti likely, man in FF 1332UT
819 N. Korea choral mx 1607UT, sounded //6400 which was quite butchered by noise and interference; had heard N. Korean pips more weakly at 1600UT 945 CNR1 man in CC //6030 1437UT then gone again; weaker level 1549UT, with two signals fighting
954 JOKR? man in rapid JJ 1543UT
1098 unID. man and woman in CC 1407UT; don't know if this was same as my unID from 1600UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

189 R. Rossii woman talking //279 1435UT
621 unID echoey CC sounding talk by man 1544UT
648 VoR Great Gates of Kiev chimes at 1400UT
657 N. Korea??  instrumental mx 1342UT
711 HLKA?? soft mx, woman talking through splash KK?  1427UT
756 CNR1, men talking //6030 1545UT, yet at 1600UT faint 2 and 1 pips.  Korea?
864 unID man and woman talking maybe KK? 1345UT
918 unID woman talking, sounded CC inflection, 1410UT, but at 1500UT, was NHK style pips??
936 Anhui? woman talking CC inflection and slow mx 1439UT
981 CNR1 woman in CC //6030 1457UT, struggling with 980 splash
1026 ? wild talk by 2 men at 1553UT, CC inflection; a mystery.
1206 Yanbian? man talking, could be KK 1342UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary"audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):

891 1575 (surely I missed these in audio?)

1008 1035 1044 1134 1242 1503

best wishes,


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