Hello All,

As others have reported, it was an exceptional morning for Asian DX, with many 
second-tier stations coming out of the woodwork. As usual the propagation here 
favored the Asian mainland, and several low-band Chinese stations seemed to get 
a particular boost. The listening session started off with a bang around 1305 
as 603-HLSA was in a snarl with a Chinese station (Hulun Buir?), and 738-BEL2 
was also in a snarl with an UnID Mainland Chinese station (which has shown up 
occasionally at other times this season). These two frequencies were 
battlegrounds throughout most of the session, and to make things more 
interesting, a presumed 738-HLKG (with Korean speech, but no KBS1 // available) 
also faded in around 1352 to dominate the frequency for half a minute-- its 
first appearance of the entire season. 639-CNR1, 648-VOR and 657-Pyongyang were 
all unusually strong from 1330-1420, with 639-CNR1 fading in with a huge signal 
at 1410--the strongest that it's ever been received here. Midd!
 le-band Chinese domestic stations on 918, 927, 936, 981 and 1035 were all 
managing fair audio at times from 1330-1415, and the CRI stations on 1017 and 
1044 had peaks of good audio during the same period.

With all the unusual second-tier Asian signals there wasn't much of a chance to 
investigate the big gun audio this morning during the live DXing session, 
although 1575-VOA definitely was above average throughout the entire period, 
continuing to hit very good peaks until around 1450, when most of the 
second-tier Asians had faded out. 1575-VOA was the sole survivor here around 
1500, as the sunrise enhancement propagation fizzled out prematurely at this 
landlocked location. After this morning's exceptional propagation, though, it's 
probably best to be thankful.

639  CNR1  China Synchros  Excellent strength
             Chinese female-male talk (apparent news)
             at 1410; recorded on 638 because of strong
             640-KFI signal (best signals ever here)
738  HLKG  Daegu, S. Korea (presumed) Temporarily
             atop 738 jumble at 1352 with Korean speech,
             but no KBS1 // available; first appearance of 
             the season here
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Talk-show theme music
             and male Chinese host taking call from female
             caller at 1354 over jumble of weak co-channels
738  UnID Chinese   Wild 3-way mix of UnID Chinese 
             female announcer mixing with BEL2's Chinese 
             male talk show host and HLKG at 1343
1575  VOA  Ban Rassom, Thailand   Very good level
             female Asiatic language speech in and out with
             distinctive short fades at 1449

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight +
12" Medium Wave FSL antenna

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