Quite a good morning, and starting at 1300UT was probably advisable, as even then, bit signals on 1566 and the big Japanese, plus audio on 711, pretty rare here, likely HLKA?. Unfortunately, I didn't record from 1302 to 1340UT, because, other mornings, there hasn't been much around, hi. The other point is that this didn't seem to be a particularly Chinese morning here until nearer sunrise, in spite of Gary's remarks.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least briefly):

567 JOIK man holding forth in JJ //594 1336UT
747 JOIB woman in JJ 1458UT took until now to reach this strength here
774 JOUB man in JJ 1423UT, and many other times
828 JOBB man in JJ 1421 UT //774 and other times earlier on
972 HLCA rock mx vocal 1331UT; not as regular as the NHK2 stations
1566 HLAZ FEBC ID by woman in JJ 1300UT

Reasonable audio at times during the period (much of it understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK JJ men laughing 1415UT
603 HLSA relaxed male ballad 1425UT, slightly better N. Flag
873 JOGB man in JJ //747 1332UT and other times; this was consistently fair signal this morning 891 JOHK uproarious women and men 1343UT, //567 and stronger; in fact strongest NHK1 at this time
1287 JOHR man in JJ 1415UT
1323 CRI woman in RR 1448UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be understood by a native speaker:

837 JOQK man in JJ //594 1356UT, then woman talking
963 NHK1 synchros more humorous JJ talk //594  1415UT
1017 CRI slow female vocal mx //5965 1442UT through 1445UT, and other times
1053 jammer 1351UT
1566 HLAZ man in CC 1452UT seemed to be the best managed by this broadcast today

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

558 HLQH quiet ballad 1423UT //603, but someone else as well
648 unID. 1501UT man in KK?? PAL doesn't say anything about VoR after 1500UT?
693 JOAB man talking in splash //774 1407UT
702 NHK2 man in JJ //774 1438UT
711 NHK style pips 1300UT after quiet chimes. HLKA?
738 BEL2 woman talking 1449UT //1143 (at 1358 UT, man talking sounded FF however) 756 laid back mx, big carrier , best on N. Flag 1427UT not //6030. Then odd language by man 1506UT, fanfares earlier, not CC, maybe KK?
819 N. Korea? woman KK inflection 1435, 1458UT. No SW parallels today
846 NHK1 synchros uproarious talk //891 1344UT
864 laid back female vocal 1453 then male and female talk, maybe KK?
918 unID.  Sounded like rapid JJ talk 1440UT
945 CNR1 man talking CC inflection //6030 1440UT
981 CNR1 man in CC talk //6030 1451UT
1143 BEL3 majn talkingthen woman //738 1449UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary"audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):

621 639 657  729 909 936 999(rough)  1044 1089 1098 1107 1134  1206 1242 1332

best wishes,


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