USA KCNZ, Cedar Falls IA, 1650. Date/frequency confirmation letter via email in 343 days for English report and audio CD via first-class mail with 2 first-class stamps as return postage, follow-up fax to station fax line, and finally a follow-up via email to station GM with copy of the report and audio MP3. Verification came 3 days after last follow up. V/s:*Janelle Rench, Office Manager. ****Janelle (at 935themix dot com . Station address: *
*721 Shirley St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613

*USA WWRC, Washington DC, 1260, full data email verification in 379 days for email English report to comments at 1260wrc dot com (which failed although still listed on their website) and a follow up to Bob Jones, Broadcast Operations Director at bobj at wava dot com. Thereupon we had an exchange of emails with Bob verifying with a personal email 14 days after my initial follow-up.


Al Muick
Whitehall PA USA
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