Doubt they were testing, dead air sounds like whatever network news feed
they were supposed to switch to at top of hour didn't come on.

And Im betting the power down at dark never happened, probably because the
piece of equipment that takes care of that failed.. likely because it
forgot what time it was.


On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Robert Ross <> wrote:

> Hi Guys:
>  Thanks to a Tip from TODD SKAINE in MINNESOTA, I heard a NEW STATION for
> both the OVERALL and ULR LOGS last night.  1530 KQSP appeared to be
> utilizing their 8.6 KW Daytime Power instead of their usual 10 Watt Night
> Time Transmitter. Perhaps they were there was a 2 minute DEAD
> AIR CARRIER on the hour, with an ID in English that followed.
> The signal was mostly Under WCKY Cincinnati......but did rise up over WCKY
> at times. The SONY SRF-T615 ULR is very good at nulling Stations, and that
> helped a lot with taking out WCKY!!
> RADIO USED...........................SONY SRF-T615 Ultralight Barefoot
> ULR LOG TOTALS are now......1062 Stations Heard
> 73...............ROB VA3SW
> Robert S. Ross
> London, Ontario CANADA
> ************************************************************************************************
> 1530  KQSP  Shakopee, MINNESOTA  Nov/13/13  2348 EST    SPANISH with EE ID
> Spanish Tropical Music with Male Singing Spanish at tune in 2348-52 EST.
> Female DJ with Jingles
> and Ads and a Mention of "Mexico and Futbol Primera". Into more Tropical
> Music and SS Vocals.
> Not your Usual Mexican sounding Music Fare...but more Caribbean or South
> American type Music.
> Dead Carrier @ 0000-0002 EST. Then followed by an English ID by Male DJ as
> "KQSP Shakopee-
> Minneapolis/St. Paul" @ 0002 EST.
> NEW STN                 ULR # 1062          8.6 KW/10 Watts Nights
> *************************************************************************************************
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