All times and dates strictly UT [5 hours ahead of `ELT`]. Rx: mostly DX-398 
with internal antenna only; or Sony SRF-59 as specified; Nissan stock caradio 
as specified; FRG-7 with E/W longwire as specified
These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as
And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:
All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 
These logs are in four sexions, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified, separated by ======= Within each, they are in frequency order

** U S A. 940, Nov 21 at 1116 UT as I tune in, WMIX ID, mention about soybeans at 1118. (Without the www you 
get a blank page, but not an Unfound.) This is Mount Vernon IL, should still be 
on night pattern east-west, which altho 1.5 kW instead of 5 kW day power, is 
more favorable for us than day pattern north-south (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 960, Nov 20 I did not check at 0600-0605 UT for the KGWA Fox-Hole, 
but at 0656 find KGWA is now in dead air, which lasts until  non-Fox hole news 
cuts back on at 0700, and just before that I get a clear ID for KMA 960 and 
KMA-FM 99.1, Shenandoah IA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1100, Nov 15 at 1329 UT, 210-area code ad, ``AM 1100 KDRY, K-dry, 50 
years of broadcasting``. Next program sponsored by Living on the Edge; 1330 
only a rumbling noise, maybe else during fade, as 1331 back up citing 
Philippians I: 27-30 which somehow leads to a football analogy. 

KDRY is 11000/1000 U2 in Alamo Heights (San Antonio) TX. Thought there might 
have been a break for switch from night to day power and pattern, but official 
November sunrise was already at 1300 UT. New NRC Pattern Book 2013 shows 
non-direxional circular day and night, but FCC AM Query shows night pattern is 
cardioid with deep null to the NE and very little northward toward me; anyhow 
it would be on ND day by now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1200, Sunday Nov 17 at 1322 UT, `cello playing classical piece 
accompanied by organ much in the background, no announcement IDing the music, 
then into full organ & choir, ``Praise God from whom all blessings flow``. 
Initially VG signal fades out by 1330. The only way most commercial stations 
will ever play ---ugh!--- classical music is if it is part of a paid church 
broadcast. WOAI schedule shows First Presbyterian Church Sundays at 7-8 am CST 

** U S A. 1200, Thursday Nov 21 at 0623 UT, I continue to seek stations with 
WOAI nulled as much as possible: YL jazz singer in English with ``Devil and the 
Deep Blue Sea``, then segués past 0629 sound like same singer. Makes SAH of 
248/minute with WOAI = 4.13 Hz. I figure jazz per se would be a hard format to 
match, but NRC AM Log does have this and nothing else jazzy on 1200 altho WAMB 
Nashville is allegedly NOStalgic:
``1200 WCHB Taylor (Detroit) MI U4 50000/15000, UC:TLK/JAZ.``
This is sounding familiar; ah yes, my log of almost three months ago: 

``1200, UT Sun Sept 1 at 0524, somestation is giving WOAI a 
run for its money, and it`s playing jazz! YL scat-singing at the 
moment, best with WOAI nulled, making a fast SAH, but its own null 
indicates direxion ENE/WSW. Fading down by 0530.

Last year`s NRC AM Log shows one station on 1200 has a subsidiary Jaz 
format! WCHB in Taylor MI, 50/15 kW U4, which is mainly news/talk, but 
their website confirms ``Smooth 
Jazz`` Sat 6 pm to Sun 7 am, and also Sun 6 pm to 12 am [EDT = UT -4] 
and the DF fits. Due to the rarity of this format on commercial radio, 
I am tempted to claim a definite log rather than tentative. Doesn`t 
really matter since I am not counting stations. Night pattern of WCHB 
supposedly throws everything somewhat east of due north; day pattern 
also but broader (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1685, DX LISTENING 

Since this is not a weekend, rechecking the schedule finds also `Smooth Jazz` 
from 10 pm Wed to 6 am Thu [EST = 03-11 UT Thu, and probably other weeknights] 

** U S A. 1220, Nov 21 at 1123 UT, country music segués past 1130; loops 
ENE/WSW, handily avoiding the off-frequency Texan het. Presumed still WSLM 
Salem IN as previously heard, running 5 kW day pattern instead of 82 watts 
night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


UNIDENTIFIED. Olá, Brasileiros, acham que este sinal venha do Brasil? 1200 kHz, 
e qual é?

This evening I had some (Brazilian) Portuguese on 1200 at 0124 UT November 15; 
with WOAI nulled, which must have been in a fade as it gradually took over 
again. It`s all talk, first a man mentioning ``espiritual`` and then a woman 
talking as the QRM grows. 

The first Brazilian I think of is R. Cultura, São Paulo, or rather Cultura 
Brasil as it is now known, but it should be mostly music. It`s 100 kW but only 
20 kW at night; and there are five others of lower powers.

CJRJ in Vancouver is multi-cultural, but mostly Punjabi and apparently no 
Portuguese per their schedule. A few Spanish in the US such as WJUA (ex-WINK) 
in Florida, Mexican music, and WRTO in Chicago, Univisión, but hard to imagine 
them slipping into Portuguese.

This was not ``Portunhol`` -- the Davi Miranda wacko preaching which is a 
mixture of languages, heard on many SW stations. 

There are several Mexicans on 1200, but again why would they have anything in 
Portuguese, or why would anything outside of Brasil?

Could there be some other ethnic and/or religious station in the USA?

Here`s my clip; please listen and offer any suggestions. It`s best at the first 
but after two minutes, can only be heard under WOAI.

You`ll note a subaudible heterodyne of almost 4 Hz against WOAI in case that 
helps to ID it. Surprised to see WOAI at 36 Hz hi as of September 15, 2013 in 
mwoffsets. Only Brazilian listed there is Fortaleza, 7 Hz lo. Please copy 
directly to me as well as list reply. Tnx. 73, (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, USA, to 
several MW lists, via DXLD)

Only replies so far are these, via the radioescutas yg:

``Hello Glen[n], the radio that you received is from Brazil, the accent of the 
speaker is in northeastern Brazil, I think it is the radio club Fortaleza Ceará 
1200 kHz
73's Fran - São Paulo - Brasil``

``Glenn, Something makes me think this is not from Brazil. The "sound" and kind 
of fading takes more to a middle range signal. I think the man talking is a 
Brazilian, yes, but sounds as he is trying to talk to a Spanish language 
audience (final Ls in espiritual, "de la noche" etc.). I agree with you this is 
not the Davi Miranda "portunhol``, but is something similar. Hope you can find 
the solution. Rocco Cotroneo, Rio de Janeiro``

``Hi Glenn! To me it seems like a Brazilian man trying to speak in Spanish and 
it seems like a program from churches like "Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus" 
(IURD) or  David Miranda's Church "Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor" (IPDA).

I found this link with a list of Brazilian MW stations:
I hope to help you and sorry my English! (Davi Lucas Pinto de Sousa, Belo 
Horizonte, Brasil, Nov 15`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

I can’t even hear 1200 CJRJ Vancouver in Boise (Bill Frahm, Nov 15, DX 
LISTENING DIGEST) Must be a rare Canadian axually running its DA pattern, day 
and night cardioid, deep null toward Boise and Enid (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING 

1200, Nov 15 at 0650 UT, another check with WOAI nulled, after hearing 
Portuguese earlier: now it`s a YL jazz singer in English, making SAH of 
150/minute = 2.5 Hz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

1200, Nov 16 at 0103 UT, I am again looking for the Brazilian talk with WOAI 
nulled (which Rocco Cotroneo in Rio suggests may have been a Brazilian trying 
to sound like Spanish; and that the signal seems like it is too close for 
Brasil. I must agree, as I also checked 1220 and 1100, both nights and did not 
find any signs of Brasil.) 

Now there is a song but can`t be sure of language; 0106 tape fast-forwarding, 
sound-effect? Strange. This makes a 200/minute SAH with WOAI, 3.33 Hz, less 
than the <4 Hz I was getting 24 hours earlier, but more than the other 
WOAI-nulled station I had at 0650, 2.5 Hz. Of course one or more of them could 
vary, but unlikely; 

BTW, WOAI is certainly not 36 Hz hi as in mwoffsetts, but close to, within a 
very few Hz of 1200.000 as compared to other 10-kHz channel stations above and 
below. BTW2, WOAI never seems to be running IBOC noise any more, unless in 
complete daytime, tho it`s still shown as fully active here:
Wasn`t WOAI one of the ``HD`` pioneers? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1200, Nov 20 at 0105 UT, with WOAI nulled, I am getting 
somestation in Spanish, mentions ``La Raza``, which hints it is US, not 
Mexican, YL announcer for a while, before WOAI fades back up. I continue to 
check this most nights in hopes of hearing the Brazilian Portuguesish as once 
before, but which was probably not all the way from ZYland (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

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