December 5 2013


Yesterday we wrote to say thanks for supporting us since 2007 or
earlier, and today we'll explain why your continued support is
necessary, and how you can take 3 very simple steps to make
sure you benefit from the global Radio Memories Project 'where
today's people connect with yesterday's radio' at

Every day is a $64 day for us.....that's the daily fixed cost to
collect, protect and share thousands of items of radio memorabilia.
Providing a safe home for the cards, letters, tapes and more that
otherwise would be lost, thrown away or destroyed by accident,
ignorance or deliberate action. It happens. 

You'll enjoy the results of the big job of updating the look of the
website, adding new features and much more launching in our 10th
anniversary year in 2014. Stay with us......lots of good stuff to

Supporters like you keep us going! Join the team today and make sure
you benefit at the same time. Here are 3 ways to work with us this

#1 make a donation towards the $64 a day fixed costs we face. It's 
practical, it's necessary and you'll be officially recognized on the 
Roll of Honor at How? Choose the amount of
your donation and use the donate button below the KULA hula girl.
Spread your donations out if it's easier. 

#2 send your personal memories, thoughts and more about what radio
means to you direct to us at and we'll see
to it that your contributions are kept safe and likely to make it on
to the new website from 2014. It's a great way to keep your memories
safe and shared for everyone to enjoy.

#3 make sure your own radio memorabilia is kept safe, so you have the
benefit of knowing that it's not lost to future generations. Our
storage space is tight but before throwing stuff away or hoping that
someone else will protect it for you, tell us what you'd like kept
safe. Just send us an email telling us what you'd like to make sure
is kept safe [no photos or attachments please].

Memories and memorabilia are important, but funding is vital and
crowd sourcing or community sponsorship via your donations is what
makes it all possible. 

Become one of the 1% of special supporters today, make a real
difference, and continue to enjoy the new content, the new memories
and keep the website free for the community to use.

Warm seasons wishes for Xmas and the New Year, Happy Holidays, and
thanks for continuing to share the journey with us since 2006 and

Radio Heritage Foundation
Email PW7 to be removed from this mailing list and allow 15 working
days for a volunteer to remove your name from the list. Your donation
today is important to help cover our fixed $64 daily costs and you'll
find our donation button on every page at below
the KULA hula girl. 


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