I'm going to sound like a broken record (ancient simile) here Karl, but check out Wellbrook (http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/); pricey, yes. Worth it, I tend to think so.

First approach, ALA100. Don't worry about why it seems to work that way, but practically everyone who uses it finds it to be a low noise antenna. The ALA1530 takes up less real estate but, if your friend has space and no nearby transmitters, go for the bigger aperture ALA100 and build his own loop of wire. If there is someone in the area who could lend him the guts of the ALA100 (you make the loop, and provide the lead-in, they provide the electronics), then it could be useful for a "try before buy", and a lash up "delta loop" doesn't take long to put into place

Second approach: if he has areas of the country he'd rather not hear, look at the FLG100, and take advantage of the large unidirectional loop, which by itself can be a very worthwhile antenna. You can use that amplifier arrangement with a Flag, Pennant, Kaz or what have you, and the amplification (I think) drowns out the inevitable noise pickup on the coax lead-in that drags down the signal on these low output antennas. Not as quiet as the ALA100 perhaps, but I am really finding mine useful on overseas MW and LW while nulling domestic interference.

best wishes,


At 00:20 07-01-14, you wrote:
I have a friend who likes operating 160 meters (1800-2000 kHz) but can not hear as many stations as he would like to.

He lives in a suburban house with about an acre of land situated in a rocky Northeastern environment.

There is plenty of man-made noise.

Can you suggest an antenna he could install and try for DXing purposes?

What do you think?

Thanks, Karl Zuk  N2KZ  near NYC
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