It's always sad to see the older, more traditional owners disappear, on 
by one, into the ionosphere. I have always liked colleagues who play 
hard and take their work seriously and yet remain cordial, collegial and
 able to keep their egos in relative check.  Nice eulogy, John - Withers
 would seem to fit the bill!

The 940 gets out well on sunset skip
 here. I think I've had it twice in the last couple of weeks without 
actively looking for it, so perhaps it's a "pest". OTOH it's one of a 
few markers I have for determining cx, and in all the years it's been 
coming in, it's always struck me as one of the community-minded local 
stations rather than the unattended syndication relay services that 
plague radio today.

I have also had the 94.1 by two different 
propagation modes - E-skip and Tropospheric ducting. Given that it's 
about 600 miles from here, neither is an easy catch (Tropo is generally 
harder the farther out a station is, Es tends to be most common between 
800-1300 miles, less so at each end).

Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON

> From:
> To:
> Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 12:30:42 -0600
> Subject: [IRCA] W. Russell Withers, Jr.
> I learned this morning from a Mt. Vernon, Illinois Facebook Group page that 
> W. Russell Withers, Jr., owner of WMIX-940 and WMIX-FM 94.1 since 1973, had 
> died last night at his home in Mt. Vernon.
> I posted this message on the group page's wall:
> If ever I thought anyone would outlive me, it was Russ Withers. I was one of 
> two surviving staff members when Russ purchased WMIX after John R. Mitchell's 
> death. 
> WMIX was the cornerstone of his broadcasting dreams, as he was growing up in 
> Cape Girardeau, Mo., with the goal of owning the AM and FM stations Mitchell 
> put on the air in 1946. 
> Russ had a wicked sense of humor, in the Don Rickles mode, as those who have 
> attended gatherings he emceed over the years can attest, but I personally 
> enjoyed his barbs, even when they were directed at me.
> I put in a lot of hours at WMIX ... doing both news and sports play-by-play 
> ... sometimes as many as 70 hours in a week when there were ballgames and 
> music to cover, but I can honestly say that Russ never questioined or 
> criticised the way I covered the news or broadcast the ballgames. 
> Later, when financial considerations (and an easing of my working hours) 
> resulted in my move dto the Register-News, the mutual respect we held for 
> each other continued. 
> He was prominent in the broadcasting industry, one of a few station owners 
> who kept local news and information programming alive during a tiime when 
> most radio stations, after deregulation, were dropping news to do 
> wall-to-wall music programming, mostly via satellite. His stations integrated 
> satellite programming into the local mix. 
> He was also a prime mover in national media politics, a member of the 
> National Association of Broadcasters board and a pioneer in the move to allow 
> AM radio stations to be relayed by FM boosters, a move that extended the 
> lives of many AM broadcasters to whom the FM band would not normally have 
> been open. 
> Russ, as most who knew him know, had his flaws. Like most entrepreneurs, he 
> enjoyed power and used it. In the late 1990s, when a local power play evolved 
> over the Mt. Vernon EDC, he and I had different ideas over how the contoversy 
> should have played out. Neither of us got what we wanted, and for a time, 
> Russ was critical of how the R-N covered the stories that evolved. 
> When I returned to the King City twice this century for MVTHS Sports Hall of 
> Fame occasions, I was surprised at the friendly reception I received 
> personally from Russ, with no reference to the conflct a decade earlier, and 
> to the -- I have to say glowing -- words he used to describe my sportscasting 
> work in an R-N article covering that year's HOF program, I am grateful. 
> To Russ's daughter, Dana, my sincere and deepest sympathies. 
> John Callarman, KA9SPA, Family Genealogist, Retired Newspaper Editor, 
> DX-oyente, Krum TX (AKA Qal R. Mann, Krumudgeon)
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