Hi folks. I just finished up deploying an AS SAL-30 Shared Apex Loop and my
initial observations are that this is by far the best directional antenna
on that I have ever used. My experience with directional antennas over the
years range from small ferrite and wire loops, modest beverages, Wellbrook
K9AY/ALA10/ALA330/DKAZ,  phasing various antenna configurations with
Quantum, Connelly DXP5, and currently a DXE NCC-1 with phased active whips.

The SAL-30 is the best MW antenna that I have had the pleasure of using. On
almost every MW channel I can easily have two stations in the clear, and on
many it is no problem receiving 3 or 4 stations. The UNI directional mode
is amazing, with just the push of the Flip switch you generally find
another station totally dominant. I have found the controller with 8
direction switch to be extremely accurate, making it easy to determine
exactly which direction an UnID is arriving from. Another bonus that I
discovered last evening while experiencing quite a bit of lightning static,
when the pattern was pointed north and the static crashes were extremely
subdued to the point of not being an issue.

I have also found the performance up to the spec'd 8 mhz of this model to
be excellent. In these bands I can null some of the CODAR signals way down,
null utes, determine the direction of a weak signal, and significantly peak
a signal for best SNR. This afternoon I found that on many HF DX signals,
the directionality of this antenna was actually useful up to 15 mHz. On
many DX stations bothered by significant long-path echo, I could always
eliminate the LP component. On HF above 8 mHz, the directional pattern does
not appear to be very useful with strong domestic stations such as the
Tennessee SW broadcasters.

So far, I am extremely pleased with the performance of this antenna. I was
initially very concerned with the cost of the antenna vs performance but I
can now say this was money very well spent. One word of caution is
deploying the mast on the SAL-30. This is a task for 3 people minimum, and
on a totally windless day. With two folks we were able to get 8 of the mast
sections up, but had to wait a week to get a third person to help get that
last mast section put in.

If I can master video and youtube over the weekend, I will look at putting
up some MW specific audio/video.

Brandon Jordan
Fayette County, TN EM55gc

WinRadio G33DDC, WinRadio G313-e, RFSpace SDR-IQ, Icom R75, Eton E1
Double KAZ Loop (20×88') with Wellbrook FLG100LN-2 Amplifier
DX Engineering DXE-AAPS3 Active Antenna Phasing System
Array Solutions AS-SAL-30 Shared Apex Loop
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