Did you communicate with CPRV re a couple of your most precious ones, 
specifically, like Tarawa and Swan, so they know exactly what they're not 
There's a radio museum in Bloomfield NY, another one supposedly near Guelph ON 
(I've never seen it and only heard vaguely about it - Scott Fybush would know 
about Bloomfield  and possibly about Guelph).
I culled my QSL collection long ago - most of them really didn't mean much to 
me personally - but kept about 20-25 that did. None would match Radio Swan, and 
I'd imagine none would even come anywhere close. 
Saul Chernos

> Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:07:25 +0000
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: [NRC-AM] QSL archival -was- Re:  [IRCA] More on mergers
> I'd like to start a thread about verification archival, if I may,
> which I suppose is somewhat distantly related to the merger thread.
> I was around in the 1960's and actually still have some of the
> material that circulated by mail back then. But that's not why
> I write now.
> Any of us who were around in the 60's realize the age issues that
> we face. I had registered my QSL collection with the CPRV archival
> service in 1989, but still have my QSL's today. They fairly comfortably
> fit into two standard briefcases. The "good ones" along with the mundane.
> On August 15 of last year I got a letter from CPRV saying in effect that
> was no more interest in acquiring new collections because of so much
> overlap with existing material. I can understand this, it's a hard
> argument to refute.
> In my own case I'd estimate that I have maybe 20 to 30 verifications
> that have significant archival interest. The rest of them (hundreds)
> are just like the 1 kw daytimers 500 miles away I used to hear at 6 AM
> sign-on with regularity.
> The consequence of this is there is no longer any means for me to seek
> archival of the maybe 20 verifications I really care about as they are
> regarded the same as the 1 kw daytimer sign-on from 500 miles away
> verie that already has been submitted and 'registered' by others.
> As I see it, I no longer have any means to archive _any_ of the QSL's I have.
> This includes such as the 2-page letter I got from VSZ-1 Tarawa in 1971
> which I really think has archival value. Or correspondence from Radio Swan
> on 1160 in 1960.
> No one I know would have any interest in spending all the time it would take
> to parse them out onto eBay. As it stands, on my passing (I am 71) all
> this material would be thrown out, unless I can find a recipient during
> my lifetime.
> Is anyone thinking about this?
> - Bob Foxworth

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