
Thanks very much for the TP report from Victoria-- which certainly bears no 
resemblance to what showed up here. The upper channels like 1566 were 
non-performers here, similar to what Nigel reported.

After re-checking the MP3's from this morning I did discover that 567-RNZ was 
recorded with a fair to good signal at 1118, joining 531-PI as the only Kiwis 
making it through before a huge propagation swoon hit them around 1130. The 
signal from 531-PI was at an excellent level like in July, but 567-RNZ was 
apparently already being hit by the skidding propagation. 

73, Gary


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Hall-Patch <>
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America 
Sent: Wed, Apr 9, 2014 10:46 pm
Subject: [IRCA] TP 9 Apr. Victoria version

>I wish that Nick could have been here this morning, when the 
>Rockwork 4 cliff delivered the strongest Japanese big gun signals I 
>have ever heard in 8 years of TP-DXing. Really wacky conditions-- 
>like something straight out of October. Along with the NHK big guns 
>on 594, 693 and 774 (all at S9+ levels) 657-Pyongyang was at a 
>similar blowtorch level, and 603-HLSA wasn't far behind  Before a DU 
>propagation swoon around 1130 the New Zealand Samoan language 
>station 531-PI was also at an excellent level, but in general the 
>Kiwis and Aussies were well below their summer strengths.

wellll, I wish I'd  been there too, Gary, as this morning wasn't as 
good for Asiatics here as yesterday was, particularly as to signal 
strength  (must be something in that 12" FSL...)

There were a couple of unusual signals, but they were faint and fleeting.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

1566 HLAZ. Woman giving FEBC website in Japanese, then choral mx with 
woman doing voice-over, 1302UT

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

the above, passing through

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

972 HLCA.  woman in KK 1203UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music) :

594 JOAK? Woman talking, possibly JJ? 1308UT
693 JOAB?  Woman talking, too much  CBU splat, and parallels were pretty thin.
828 JOBB?  Man talking 1153UT; no parallels just then
945 CNR1??  Woman talking, then man, CC inflection 1242UT
1053 KK jammer. 1303UT
1134 JOQR?  man talking rapidly during quick fade up and back 
down,  JJ inflection, 1148UT
1287 JOHR?  Woman talking, perhaps JJ, but pretty murky, 1323UT
1323 CRI?   instrumental mx, woman talking, maybe RR? 1230UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary"audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter):

  738 747 837 891 981 1188 1242 1251 1422 1503

best wishes,


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