--- Begin Message ---
Report from Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Times / dates = UTC / 2014
e-mail = "markwa1...@aol.com"

[Connelly*Y-MA] = South Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA, USA
(GC= 41.6931 N / 70.1912 W) (= 41° 41.59' N / 70° 11.47' W)

Receiver: Microtelecom Perseus

* Two cardioid-pattern SuperLoops: 8m by 15m (peak 75 deg., null 255 deg.) and 10m by 11m (peak 165 deg., null 345 deg.). See http://www.bamlog.com/superloop.htm for similar antenna. * Figure-of-8 pattern broadband loop: 6m by 6m (165-345 deg.). See http://www.bamlog.com/broadband.htm for similar antenna.



531 | ALGERIA | Jil FM, F'kirina Wilaya d'Oum El Bouaghi, MAY 9 0159 - // 549 with electronically-processed female vocal, drumming; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

549 | ALGERIA | Jil FM, Les Trembles, MAY 9 0159 - // 531 with female club-type vocal; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

585 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Madrid, APR 30 0158 - Spanish teletalk; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

603 | FRANCE | France Info, Lyon-Tramoyes, MAY 9 0200 - France Info theme music, man in French; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

684 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Sevilla, APR 30 0158 - Spanish teletalk // 585; fair through WRKO slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]

774 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, APR 30 0158 - Teletalk // 585; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

855 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, APR 30 0158 - Teletalk // 585; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

909 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.5 synchros, APR 30 0100 - Fanfare music, "BBC Five Live" ID; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

917 | NIGERIA | R. Gotel, Yola, APR 30 0158 - Fairly fat het against 918 Spain but minimal audio. [Connelly*Y-MA]

918 | SPAIN | R. Intercontinental, Madrid, APR 30 0158 - Man in Spanish; fair to good, over 917 Nigeria het. [Connelly*Y-MA]

945 | FRANCE | France Info, Toulouse, APR 30 0101 - News by man in French; fair through slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]

981 | ALGERIA | RTVA Chaine 2, Algiers, APR 30 0101 - Woman in French; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

999 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, MAY 14 0101 - News with talk about something going on "manana"; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1089 | UNITED KINGDOM | TalkSport synchros, APR 30 0102 - Sportstalk, advert; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1107 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, APR 30 0158 - // 855 with Spanish teletalk / interview; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1206 | FRANCE | France Info, Bordeaux, APR 30 0102 - // 945 with short music clip, French talk by man; to fair peak. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1215 | UNITED KINGDOM | Absolute R. synchros, APR 30 0102 - Absolute Radio ID by woman; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1377 | FRANCE | France Info, Lille, APR 30 0101 - // 945 with man in French; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1422 | GERMANY | Deutschlandfunk, Heusweiler, MAY 9 0201 - German news; poor over presumed Algeria. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1512.01 | unID | ?, MAY 9 0200 - Repetitive rock vocal in a style somewhat like Sting / Police, audio a bit distorted (pirate-like). Music ran through top-of-hour without ID. Maybe Greece but offset seems wrong. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, MAY 9 0200 - Koranic chant; to fair peak. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1557 | FRANCE | France Info, Fontbonne, MAY 9 0201 - News by man in French; to fair peak over slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]


530 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Guantanamo, MAY 8 0100 - Telco-grade talk by man // 600; mixed with R. Enciclopedia. [Connelly*Y-MA]

530 | CUBA | CMBQ, R. Enciclopedia, La Habana, MAY 9 0300 - Samba-type theme music, "Radio Enciclopedia" ID by woman; fair to good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

580 | PUERTO RICO | WKAQ, San Juan, MAY 9 0300 - "WKAQ presenta .."; over WTAG. [Connelly*Y-MA]

590 | CUBA | CMHI, R. Rebelde, Santa Clara, MAY 9 0300 - 9-note sounder // 600; under WEZE. [Connelly*Y-MA]

600 | CUBA | CMKV, R. Rebelde, Urbano Noris, MAY 9 0301 - 9-note sounder; mixed with WYEL. [Connelly*Y-MA]

600 | PUERTO RICO | WYEL, Mayaguez, MAY 9 0300 - WKAQ net ID, fast Spanish talk by man; under Cuba. [Connelly*Y-MA]

610 | CUBA | CMAN, R. Rebelde, Bahia Honda, MAY 9 0301 - 9-note sounder // 600; in jumble. [Connelly*Y-MA]

620 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Colon / Moa, MAY 9 0301 - News, 9-note sounder // 600; dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]

640 | CUBA | R. Progreso synchros, MAY 8 0101 - // 690 with "Black is Black" by Los Bravos (1966); good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

640 | VENEZUELA | YVQO, Union R., Puerto La Cruz, MAY 9 0259 - Union Radio ID; over others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

650 | CUBA | R. Progreso synchros, MAY 8 0101 - // 690 with "Black is Black" by Los Bravos; fair / wobbly. [Connelly*Y-MA]

670 | CUBA | CMQ, R. Rebelde, Arroyo Arenas, MAY 9 0301 - 9-note sounder // 600; dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]

680 | PUERTO RICO | WAPA, San Juan, MAY 8 0100 - Puerto Rico news in Spanish mentioned Mayaguez; audible during pause in WRKO audio. [Connelly*Y-MA]

690 | CUBA | R. Progreso, Jovellanos, MAY 8 0101 - // 640 with "Black is Black" by Los Bravos; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

710 | CUBA | R. Rebelde synchros, MAY 8 0100 - Echoey talk // 600; under WOR. [Connelly*Y-MA]

720 | CUBA | R. Progreso, Mabujabo, MAY 8 0101 - // 690 with "Black is Black" by Los Bravos; poor through IBOC hash but dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]

740 | BRAZIL | ZYH446, R. Sociedade da Bahia, Salvador, MAY 8 0100 - Portuguese man shouting; slightly over jumble. [Connelly*Y-MA]

750 | CUBA | CMHV, R.Progreso, Trinidad, MAY 8 0101 - // 690 with "Black is Black" by Los Bravos; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

750 | VENEZUELA | YVKS, RCR, Caracas, APR 30 0201 - Caracas news, "Radio Caracas Radio" ID; mixed with Cuba. [Connelly*Y-MA]

780 | VENEZUELA | YVMN, R. Coro, Coro, MAY 8 0101 - Radio Coro ID; to good peak. [Connelly*Y-MA]

800 | BONAIRE | PJB, TransWorld Radio, Kralendijk, MAY 8 0100 - Woman in Spanish with Bonaire mention and Radio Transmundial ID, then hymn-singing and man in Spanish; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

810 | BAHAMAS | ZNS3, Freeport, APR 30 0201 - Caribbean-accented man mentioned International Jazz Day and several concerts in the Bahamas; mixed with WGY. [Connelly*Y-MA]

810 | CUBA | R. Progreso, Guantanamo, MAY 8 0101 - "Wobbler" under WGY. Must make for fun listening in the Bahamas for those trying to enjoy the local station. [Connelly*Y-MA]

840 | HAITI | R. 4VEH (4VEF), Cap-Haitien, APR 30 0200 - Electronic "dashing through the snow" 5-note interval signal, man in French, hymn; over Cuba. [Connelly*Y-MA]

860 | CUBA | R. Reloj, MAY 8 0100 - Reloj programming; under CJBC. [Connelly*Y-MA]

870 | CUBA | R. Reloj synchros, MAY 8 0100 - Reloj tick-tocks, news; dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]

900 | CUBA | R. Progreso, MAY 8 0100 - Romantic Spanish vocal, then "Black is Black" by Los Bravos, // 690 et al.; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

940 | PUERTO RICO | WIPR, San Juan, MAY 9 0300 - Maxima Nueve Cuarenta and WIPR ID's; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

950 | CUBA | R.Reloj, La Habana & Mayari Arriba, MAY 8 0101 - Reloj programming with ticks and beeps; in jumble with domestics. [Connelly*Y-MA]

960 | CUBA | R. Reloj, Guantanamo, MAY 8 0100 - Reloj programming; mixed with WELI & others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1000 | BRAZIL | ZYK522, R. Record, Sao Paulo, MAY 8 0100 - Bits of reverberated Portuguese shouting man; poor, getting hit with IBOC blobs on both LSB & USB. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1060.286 | unID | ?, MAY 8 0100 - Growl against WQOM; 'mwoffset' list suggests a Venezuelan. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1100 | unID | ?, MAY 8 0100 - Spanish discussion mentioned Cuba and Cuban topics - so likely from there. Over probable HJAT. [Connelly*Y-MA]

--- End Message ---
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