Congrats, sounds like a great move. You'll have to report some great DX now
that you invoked The Rolling Stones of DX.


> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:38:47 -0700
> From: "R. Colin Newell" <>
> To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
>       <>
> Subject: [IRCA] Moving towards better DXing
> Message-ID:
>       <CANL-
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> After 20+ years living in an apartment and condo, my wife and I have
> bought
> a house out
> in the burbs with a BIG back yard and the potential for some REAL
> antennas.
> Although my ham radio operating has been awesome all those years, using
> stealth antennas,
> my MW and LW Dxing has not achieved its true potential because of
> antenna
> limitations on a 7th story balcony in a concrete and steel building.
> The new 'hood has underground utilities and on initial tests and
> inspections prior to purchase, it was pretty darned quiet.
> I look forward to finally being able to roll up my sleeves and work
> with
> the "Big Boys"
> of the Northwest; Salmaniw, Hall-Patch, Atkins, Portzer and DeBock...
> the
> Rolling Stones
> of the DX World up here.
> Wish me luck everyone!
> --
> Colin Newell is the Editor and creator of - -
> |
> Amateur Radio VA7WWV | Twitter.Com/CoffeeCrew | Victoria B.C. Canada

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