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UNIDENTIFIED. [Re DXLD 14-30:] " VOA relay on 1550 --- a southeast Asian 

Glenn: -- Now here's a wild idea for ya': WAZX/1550 in Smyrna (Atlanta), GA. 
Station was recently sold, after many years of alternatingly silent and Spanish 
programming. I recall reading somewhere that 'AZX was now featuring, or 
planning to feature Asian stuff. When & if operating per parameters, WAZX has a 
formidable 50 kW daytime signal, directional SW/NE (toward Hendersonville, NC, 
where the "VOA" mystery was heard on 1550). I'd bet that signal could be heard 
all day as far as Hendersonville; I wouldn't put it past them to relay VOA 
material without a TOH ID, figuring no one except speakers of that language 
would notice. It sure as hell wasn't Rabouni! Just sayin' ... -- 73z – (GREG 

Domestic US stations are of course free to relay VOA if they do so upon their 
own initiative, mainly ethnix needing a certain language (Glenn Hauser, DX 


UNIDENTIFIED. VOA relay on 1550 --- I have tried to get a TOH ID on a 
station on 1550 that is relaying VOA programming in what sounds to me 
like a southeast Asian language. My AM DX log doesn't ID anyone with 
this programming. There was a clear VOA ID at 0705 this morning. I'm 
still hearing it quite well at 1240 EDT. Any ideas? (Rick, 
Hendersonville, NC, Robinson, W4DST, July 18, IRCA via DXLD)

Rick, Can you find a shortwave parallel? That you're getting it during
midday eliminates skywave reception, so it makes we wonder if you're
getting a shortwave mixing product. VOA's Greenville transmitter site
isn't too far from you. VOA is not allowed to broadcast domestically
(though obviously DXers find ways to listen to its programs). (Jim 
Renfrew, NY, ibid.)

Greenville does not broadcast in any SE Asian language. Was the ID at 
0705 (EDT?) in English? (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)

Sure sd/lk a spur to me. Try a couple of different radios. 73 KAZ 
(Neil Kazaross, IL/WI, IRCA via DXLD)

I assume he means image (receiver-produced) rather than spur 
(transmitter-produced). This is a very important distinxion! (Glenn 
Hauser, DXLD)

Nothing but Spanish (R. Martí) out of Greenville at that time (Dan 
Ferguson, IRCA via DXLD)

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