--- Begin Message ---

Hello All,
This morning's wild session provided a good example of why the Cape Perpetua 
ocean cliff is worth a visit, despite its tricky weather and rather remote 
location. Both Asian and DU signals were very strong this morning, with the 
Asians conveniently leaving the band right at sunrise to make way for the DU's. 
First of all, thanks very much to Chuck, Theo, Guy and all others who listened 
to the 639 mystery MP3 from yesterday, and dug out the DU English and ABC 
identity clues. The station was back again this morning at a better level 
around 1345, and definitely is Australian (i.e. not // 675). It didn't stick 
around for very long, though.
The narrow Highway 101 turnoff had clear skies and an awesome display of stars 
at the 1110 UTC start time, with the Chinese and Koreans ruling the roost as 
the Japanese big guns were a little off from their usual strength. A bizarre 
fade in from a Chinese station on 558 (with no apparent HLQH or JOCR) made 
things interesting around 1135. The Chinese and Koreans hit their peak strength 
from 1230-1300, with 1593-CNR1 providing a blowtorch signal at the 1300 TOH. A 
major South Pacific rally started shortly thereafter, with numerous Kiwi 
stations (531, 594, 603, 657, 675 and 684) dispatching the Asians on their 
frequencies, and 675-RNZ reaching a best-ever level. After a short pause the 
Australians joined in the DU rally, with the big guns on 576, 792 and 891 
hitting potent levels. The mystery Aussie "talker" on 639 was a prime target 
and it was fairly decent around 1342, but nosedived shortly thereafter. On the 
other hand,the Kiwis on 675 and 684 both managed slightly better signals than 
they did during the entire Rockwork 4 DXpedition last month, although a search 
for last month's really obscure NZ catches (on 576, 585 and 936) came up empty. 
It was nice to hear some pretty vibrant Australian signals again, after their 
meager performance last month. [Signals with double asterisk (**) pegged 
PL-380's S/N display]
594  NZ Rhema   Timaru/ Wanganui, New Zealand (5 kW/ 2 kW)   Christian 
contemporary music at good level at 1330, 
               // 684    

639  UnID- Australian   Mystery DU English "talker format" station from 
yesterday at fairly good level temporarily at 1342;
               anybody in Oz recognize the presenter(s) voices?

675  RNZ   Christchurch, New Zealand  (10 kW)   Strong male to male interview 
at 1321 // 567; best signal ever heard
               from this station (usually weaker than 567)

684  NZ Rhema   Gisborne, New Zealand (5 kW)   Decent signal with Christian 
contemporary music // 594 at 1350;
               includes Rhema ID at end of MP3

**738  Radio Polynesie   Mahina, Tahiti   (20 kW)   Blowtorch signal as usual 
with French disco music at 1124

792  4RN   Brisbane, Australia  (25 kW)   Deep-voiced male presenter 
introducing exotic-sounding music at 1334, // 576

891  5AN   Adelaide, Australia  (50 kW)   Good-level interview at 1353 right 
before propagation collapsed

**972  HLCA   Dangjin, S. Korea  (1500 kW)   KBS big gun testing the crunch 
resistance of my PL-380 with music 
               at 1158  

**1566  HLAZ   Jeju, S. Korea  (250 kW)   Japanese service at typical blowtorch 
level around 1257

**1575  VOA   Ban Rassom, Thailand  (1000 kW)   Asian language lady sounding 
very much like 1000 kW at 1224

**1593  CNR1   Changzhou, China   (600 kW)   Nuclear-level Chinese speech and 5 
+ 1 time pips at the 1300 TOH;
              this was the strongest Chinese signal I've ever heard in a 

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Yachats, OR)
DXing at Cape Perpetua
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL380 Ultralight + 15" DXpedition FSL antenna 


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