My wife and I have been staying at an ocean front rental in Yachats, Oregon
rental since Saturday. On Tuesday morning I made a trip back to the Cape
Perpetua cliff turnout on Highway 101 for some dawn DXing. This is one of
the spots made "famous" by Gary DeBock with his impressive FSL antenna
receptions, and shown in this YouTube video:

Initially I thought there were very few TP stations audible, but a closer
listen today to the SDR files revealed more stations lurking around the
noise floor or just above.

Here's what I noted, from the 1330-1415 session (local SR at 1410):


657 NORTH KOREA Pyongyang, Sep 30 1340 - Dramatic orchestral music and
strident talk in Korean. Good signal but long fade outs. (Atkins-WA)

693 JAPAN JOAB Tokyo, Sep 30 1339 - Male & Female announcers in Japanese
with language lessons. They seemed to be teaching tonal sounds, so perhaps
it was a Chinese lesson? I've never heard CC lessons on NHK outlets before.
Fair signal. (Atkins-WA)

747 JAPAN JOIB Sapporo, Sep 30 1340 - Language lessons, parallel to 693.
Fair. (Atkins-WA)

774 JAPAN JOUB Akita, Sep 30 1341 - Language lessons, parallel to 693 &
774. Poor to fair, but rose to a very good signal by 1406. (Atkins-WA)

828 JAPAN JOBB Osaka, Sep 30 1340 - More language lessons by male & female;
parallel to 747 and others. Fair. (Atkins-WA)

837 JAPAN JOQK Niigata, Sep 30 1344 - Tentative. Weak but clear signal that
sounded very much like Japanese. (Atkins-WA)

963 JAPAN Unid., Sep 30 1344 - I was surprised to find some faint Japanese
talk here, as even the powerhouses on other frequencies were relatively
poor. 1 and 5 kw outlets are listed in PAL for 963. (Atkins-WA)

972 SOUTH KOREA HLCA, Sep 30 1342 - Two females talking in Korean; brief
orchestral music and back to talk and laughing. Good to very good signal
except during fades. (Atkins-WA)

981 CHINA CNR1, Sep 30 1403 - Presumed newscast in Chinese. Fair.

1008 JAPAN JONR Osaka, Sep 30 1345 - Presumed JONR with male talk in
Japanese. Poor. (Atkins-WA)

1044 UNIDENTIFIED Unid., Sep 30 1344 - Very faint unknown station here;
talking by male, and then down into the noise. (Atkins-WA)

1089 UNIDENTIFIED Unid., Sep 30 1406 - Low level English pop/vocal music
here 1403-1406+. It seemed to possibly be Christian contemporary music, but
I see no clues in PAL as to who this might be. (Atkins-WA)

1089 UNIDENTIFIED Unid., Sep 30 1348 - Weak unidentifiable talk right at
threshold level. (Atkins-WA)

1134 JAPAN JOQR Tokyo, Sep 30 1345 - Two male announcers in Japanese. Fair
on peaks. (Atkins-WA)

1170 SOUTH KOREA HLSR, Sep 30 1404 - For a minute or so, HLSR with Korean
talk was dominating 1170, pushing KPUG Bellingham down to almost
inaudibility. Good. KLOK in San Jose was also heard at times, with Hindi
music. (Atkins-WA)

1179 JAPAN JOOR Osaka, Sep 30 1344 - Very tentative, with language that
sounded Japanese, just above the band noise. Poor. (Atkins-WA)

1242 JAPAN JOLF Tokyo, Sep 30 1355 - Japanese talk and instrumental music.
Poor to fair. (Atkins-WA)

1287 JAPAN JOHR Sapporo, Sep 30 1355 - Apparent round table discussion with
what sounded like three or more speakers in Japanese. Fair, but faded by
top of the hour. (Atkins-WA)

1350 JAPAN JORF Yokohama, Sep 30 1347 - Female announcers with lively talk
in Japanese. Fair to good. (Atkins-WA)

1566 SOUTH KOREA HLAZ, Sep 30 1340 - Noted this common FEBC station in
Japanese, before their 1345 switch to Chinese. Fair with talk and music;
frequent fades into the noise. You know it's a poor morning of TP DX when
hearing HLAZ is a challenge. (Atkins-WA)


Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA USA
DXing at the Cape Perpetua, Oregon cliff, Hwy. 101
Elad FDM-S2
Wellbrook ALA1530S+
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