--- Begin Message ---
All times and dates strictly UT [5 hours ahead of `ELT`]. Rx: mostly DX-398 or 
PL-880 with internal antenna only; Nissan stock caradio as specified; FRG-7 
with E/W longwire as specified

These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as 

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST: 

All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 

These logs are in four sections, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified, separated by ======= Within each, they are in frequency order

** U S A. 880, Dec 5 at 1320 UT, something speaking Navajo, which can`t be 
anything but KHAC Tse Bonito NM/Window Rock AZ, as usual on ND day power, and 
carrier plus USB only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 900, Dec 11 at 1312 UT, ``All-Ag News``, fading by 1318 UT. Must be 
Floydada TX flagship of this minor network, KFLP, which once had a big dog 
relay here in Enid, 1640 while it was known as KOAG, for less than a year, one 
of many successive formats that have FLoPped. 

Well, its website http://www.allagnews.com/ seems timely and with podcasts 
available, but nothing about any other stations relaying, so belay that about 
`flagship`. KFLP itself is only 250 watts day, 7 watts (ha, ha) night. Oh oh, 
official sunrise in December is not until 1345 UT (SS 2345 UT; January: 
1345-2400 UT). FCC Correspondence File does show they have a PSRA of 3.0 watts! 
Most of the year, surging to 6 or 5 watts in June and July, the ``limiting 
station`` being XEW! 

1) What`s the point of a PSRA which is LOWER than the authorized night power? 
2) XEW hardly needs any protexion from Floydada considering there`s now a 
station in between in Monterrey NL plus four other XEs on 900, unclearing 900 
for XEW`s alleged 250 kW. 3) What`s the point of ANY AM station running less 
than 10 watts, with loads of QRM on every channel at night? (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 910, Dec 11 at 1316 UT, outro to `American Story with Tom Brokaw`, 
says it`s on at 7:15 am and in the 1 and 5 pm hours [ergo cited in CST which 
inhabits NW ND, while the SW corner is on MST], then Minot ads, so it`s KCJB 
getting out well again before sunrise. This 5 kW signal has opposite patterns 
day and night: SW and NE respectively, so must be on day pattern now, despite 
official December & January FCC sunrise not until 1430 UT! Nothing in FCC 
Correspondence Folder about a PSRA.

As for Tom`s show, must be only a minute or two; first time I had almost heard 
it, but started over a year ago per:
Supposedly only on ``select Clear Channel stations`` including WOR and KFBK. No 
surprise he`s heard from ND, his home state (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1080, Dec 5 at 1333 UT, talk in Polish, which is not something you 
hear every day around here! vs KRLD, loops NE/SW. It`s the Chicago-market WNWI 
Oak Lawn IL (address in Riverdale; both on the south side of Chicago), 
3000/2600 watts U2. Night pattern goes north, day pattern ND. December & 
January sunrises are officially 1315 UT. 

Also hearing Spanish on 1200 at this time over WOAI, i.e. WRTO Chicago, 
conversation about películas, presumably from Univisión América. BTW, for a 50 
kW `clear` less than 400 km away, KRLD 1080 is sometimes remarkably weak. Day 
pattern is ND, but we get more on cardioid night pattern with a deep null 
toward Hartford, even off the side of the heart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1150, Dec 11 at 1321 UT, `Blue Velvet` ending, ``music on AM sounds 
so good --- Fox``. Best heard with N/S KSAL KS nulled, but DF on this one is 
more like ENE/WSW. I hunt around for likelies: not Osage Beach MO, which is 
news/talk; could be KDEF Albuquerque reactivated? Nothing certain about that. 
KNED McAlester OK is country, and BTW website claims 1150 to be in stereo, not 
so indicated in the NRC AM Log. Finally find a match at KHRO El Paso TX, 
http://www.fox1150.com/ It`s 5000/380 watts U1, i.e. always non-direxional. FCC 
AM Query however, shows day hours in Dec are 1400-2400 UT (Jan: 1400-0030 UT). 
No PSRA info. Enid Sunrise today: 1333 UT, to reach 1343 UT in a month (Glenn 

** U S A. 1510-, Dec 9 at 2300 UT on caradio, just as I tune in, the het from 
always-off-frequency KCTE Independence MO goes off as it must have complied 
with nighttime shutdown, after mentioning ABC Sports? (Do they now have a 
dedicated sports radio network too?), leaving the channel to ESPN which would 
be WLAC Nashville. KCTE`s official daytime hours in Dec are 1330-2300 UT; 
January, 1330-2315 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 1600, Dec 10 at 0233 UT, dominant signal is Vietnamese talk, and 
loops NNW/SSE, so no doubt it`s KRVA, The Metroplex TX. Maybe it`s their 930 
watt night power vs 25 kW days, but at night, 1600 is normally a tossup between 
Denver and St Louis here. Conditions maybe a bit auroral vs the northerners 

** U S A. 1750, UT Sunday Dec 7 at 0200 I peak the FRG-7 with east-west 
longwire on this frequency and strain to hear any trace of me on WH2XDE, the 
experimental 1 kW station in Victor, Ontario County, New York run by Jerry 
Whitney who says he has been airing WORLD OF RADIO UT Sundays at 0200 UT. By 
0212 UT I might hear a trace of me, but maybe wishful imagination. Later in 
semihour on DX-398 and PL-880 I can`t hear even a carrier, which is normal here 
almost 2 megameters away (1894 km = 1177 miles). Victor is just SE of Rochester 
on the NY Thruway. But I hope others are hearing it closer to the area. Here`s 
the latest from Jerry: (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hi Jerry, How about an update on how WH2XDE is going? I haven`t seen any 
reports of it for almost a month now. Are you still carrying out regular tests? 
Any digital modes yet?

Also it was never clear to me how the other ops using the same callsign fit 
into the picture. Are they operating independently, or collaborating, on some 
kind of schedule? But also on different frequencies than 1750?

If you have carried World of Radio any further times please let me know too. 
73, (Glenn to Jerry Whitney, Dec 4, via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hi Glenn, All of the analog tests have concluded. The antenna and transmitter 
are operating properly so the next step is to finish construction of the 
digital exciter. Two more weeks and this should be done and ready for tests. I 
will advise as to the mode/freq/time of these tests. Most of the feedback I 
received from listeners prefer a weekend evening so I will stick to the 
Saturday night timeslot (0000-0400 UT Sunday morning).

I have been currently operating low power (25 Watts) in a few digital formats 
along with the other stations on the license to make software/hardware 
adjustments. So far I've been happy with the results. Static and fading on this 
frequency is a challenge but some of the digital formats work quite well as 
long as the signal is fairly strong (S/N +10 or better). The total lack of 
static and noise when listening is very easy on the ears!

The primary station is WH2XDE-1; this is my development station location. The 
other stations have asked to join in with the tests but their resources and 
time are limited. I am grateful for their participation along with the SWL 
reports I receive. A few additional people have asked to join the group but 
this would involve modifying the license. I would consider additional stations 
if the license is renewed.

I plan to stay on 1750 kHz for all tests of WH2XDE-1. The other participants 
may operate on other frequencies but likely at low power. 

To be done:   

    Concluded that a vertical antenna is the most practical option at this 
frequency. Vertical ant. to be installed next summer. Currently using 
horizontal loop.

    WH2XDE-1 will operate digital formats at 5 kW PEP and test at lower power 
levels to examine optimum power levels for coverage areas.

    Except for narrow band formats, Receiving stations should use SDR type 
receivers. Analog receivers have too much distortion in the filter sections..

    Use "open" source digital codec to avoid licensing requirements. This would 
rule out DRM long term.

    Develop a "dongle" type receiver for use with a laptop or raspberry PI with 
integrated software for demodulation.

    Settle on a single format that is open source, that is robust for MW 
frequencies with single channel 7.5 kHz fidelity (approx.).

    Use of "polar" transmitters instead of linear amplifiers to obtain 
sufficient power and efficiency. Develop exciter for this (close to 

I would expect high power DRM tests to start around January. I'll keep you 
posted on progress.

I run "World of Radio" at 0200 UT (Saturday night, UT Sunday) on 1750 kHz (1 kW 
AM) --- very glad to do it! 73 (Jerry Whitney, WH2XDE, Dec 4, WORLD OF RADIO 

UNIDENTIFIED. 630v, Dec 7 at 0649 UT, somestation making rumbling low audible 
heterodyne against the others, and I can get a good DF on it, close to 
east/west ---- which would seem to rule out Mexico, but point to stations in 
northern AL, northern GA or maybe NC. Several other channels suffer from LAHs, 
maybe Mexican, such as 780 vs WBBM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

--- End Message ---
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