--- Begin Message --- Groundwave graveyarders at 200+ miles are a problem here on Cape Cod too, since all the non-local channels (1230, 1340, 1400, 1450, 1490) have fairly strong Atlantic City, NJ area stations getting right in the way of juicier farther-south GY's. And 1240 - the local - is also south-southwest at about 4 miles.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

Yes, station density is considerably less out west on GY's. As your cardioid array can certainly get rid Calif. pests you may find more distant one hop stuff (assuming my understanding of propagation they are 1 hop). Another thing that is a huge help for GY's is not having any ground wave signals on the channel. This is a big issue here in the midwest with our good ground conductivity. ie when it is very AU and there's no skip, I still can get GY pests weakly from 200 miles away via groundwave. This means that the far southern DX has this QRM to contend

73 KAZ Barrington IL

--- End Message ---
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