KNX has been reported as being off air and while the signal isn't huge here
in Redding I can usually hear them every night.

Combine KNX being off and  I guess good conditions, I logged  2 new
stations to me.

"Comedy 1060" Calgary, Alberta. Didn't hear any liners or id's, but
listened long enough to hear that it was a comedian on stage, telling jokes
with people laughing. signal wasn't great but steady. NEW!!

What is their pattern like? if radio-dislocator is to believed, and we know
it shouldnt for like this .. they aren't in pattern.

I logged a sports talker on 1070, they were discussing hockey and the all
star game score 17-12 and mentioned a call in line sponsored by a
logistics. Going into the break, the host gave an 18 after 11 time check
and said "You're listening to TSN 1040"

I know nothing about Canadian radio..TSN 1040 is Vancouver but i was
listening on 1070. Who/where is 1070 and what is their power pattern?

I picked up two stations duking it out on 1080 but wasn't able to ID either
one definitively. I suspect one was 1080 The Fan KFXX Portland, as I have
heard them here before with their 9kw/3 tower west night pattern.

What I wasn't able to ID is what was under them... and din't get enough
details to even make a guess.

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