Exploration and adventure is still very much alive in the 21st century - at least on the AM radio dial!

The 39th DXpedition to Aihkiniemi in the Finnish Lapland began under high solar activity, and it looked like the best haul would be photos of northern lights. Eventually conditions improved so that terabytes of recordings will keep me busy for a very long time to come.

The DXpedition took place already in late October, but I only now realized that I forgot to let you know the URL when the report was published two months ago. With apologies for the delay, here you go, DXing from the top of the world:

DXers might also be interested in a reporting expedition which I did a bit later to the Antarctic. I even visited Base Esperanza which hosts the only SW radio station on the continent. A blog text from the 18-day trip and nine downloadable news videos (in Finnish), as well as a bunch of photos, can be found at http://www.yle.fi/antarktis

Mika Makelainen
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