--- Begin Message ---
All times and dates strictly UT [4 hours ahead of `ELT` during DST; when 
changing times one must also change the dates for events in the 00-04 UT period 
to the previous date by ELT].

Rx: mostly DX-398 or PL-880 with internal antenna only; Nissan stock caradio as 
specified; FRG-7 with E/W longwire as specified

These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:

All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 

These logs are in four sections, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified [if any], separated by ======= Within each, they are in 
frequency order

** CANADA. 680, July 6 at 0606 UT, tune in just at right time to hear ``Coast 
to Coast on 680 CJOB``, i.e. 50/50 kW U4 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Night pattern 
is supposed to go entirely NNE, while day pattern has a little tail to the 
south; hmmm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** OKLAHOMA. 1530, July 9 at 0220 UT, KXTD Wagoner (Tulsa market), 5 kW 
daytimer is still running way past official sunset 0145 UT, with regional 
Mexican music, various slogans by super-hype voice actor (SHVA) inserted 
between two seguéd songs, such as ``Radio Estilo(?), Qué Buena``; 0226, ``Qué 
Buena, Tulsa``, and again at 0237; still on at 0251; 0253, ``la estación que 
marcó la diferencia y lo sigue haciendo, la Qué Buena``, 0259 same one, and no 
legal call letter ID either. Spelling it with a Q as per NRC AM Log, rather 
than Ke as may be trademarked in México, in which case I guess the accent on 
the E is unnecessary. Was making medium-fast SAH with somestation, WCKY or 
maybe fellow cheater KVDW AR (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1420-, July 6 at 1240 UT, Oklahoma news mentioning the 77 
counties, so KTJS Hobart in better than usual? NO! It`s the spur from local 
KCRC 1390-, also referencing KNID.com and also audible on 1360+; 1246 UT ID as 
``ESPN Radio 1390, KCRC`` heard on 1420-. Fundamental 1390 is noticeably 
off-frequency slightly to the low side. These spurs, also slightly off and 
beating against any legit 1360 or 1420 stations, have been constant since I 
first reported them January 20. See discussion in http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1505 
Altho I have not kept relogging them lately. They had been nothing but weak 
hets, so now they have worsened, reaching detectable modulation levels (Glenn 


** U S A. 540, July 3 at 0512 UT, English talk from NNE/SSW, seems news 
week-in-review; 0514 mentions Iowa and KWMT ID. Most unusual to hear Fort Dodge 
in the clear at night: no XEWA, XETX, KDFT or CBK. In the daytime on 5 kW 
groundwave it`s constantly clashing underneath KDFT. Night power is 170 watts, 
and it is aimed southward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 550, July 8 at 0605 UT, Missouri and Illinois news by guy with a 
Britishish accent. I wish I could place it exactly, not Queen`s. Then KTRS 
Forecast from St Louis; outroed his name but hard to catch, maybe something 
like Trevor Phillips Ford? And into Jim Bohannon. Searching on Trevor Phillips 
leads to a report on Ferguson he did from KTRS for WFLA in Florida (Glenn 

** U S A. UNIDENTIFIED. 580, July 7 at 0542 UT, as I null WIBW and XEMU(?) 
trying to get the latter, a third weak station is heard, in English, with 
polka(?), 0550 UT it`s gospel music. The only religious 580 stations in the NRC 
AM Log 2014 are possibilities here: KSAZ in AZ, and KJMJ in LA, but both are 
supposedly Spanish. KJMJ`s 1 kW night signal pattern is surprisingly NW/SE 
meaning it should be more of a problem for WIBW here; 390-watt KSAZ has lobes 
to the NNE, SE and SW, mainly concerned with protecting Fresno (Glenn Hauser, 

Hi Glenn, KJMJ is English with Radio Maria network religious programming. 73 
KAZ (Neil Kazaross, IL, ABDX via DXLD)

** U S A. 600, July 6 at 0450 UT, surprised to hear country music here, soon ID 
as ``Classic Country KSJB``; 0454 UT a fuller ID mentioning ``Now with improved 
signal and sound quality covering 25,400 miles``, then fades down. C&W music 
continues past 0500 UT and 0501 UT segué without any further ID.

``Covering 25,400 miles`` would be a neat trick, about the circumference of the 
Earth! They probably mean *square* miles, which if it were circular, which it 
isn`t, would mean a radius of 90 miles, surely too little for 5 kW at 600 kHz. 
Even the ``local`` contour is more than that at 

Yes, it does seem something has changed, as this 5/5 kW U3 Jamestown ND station 
is a rarity here, where 600 is normally a tossup between WMT IA and KTBB TX 
(sometimes an annoying second apart with same network talkshows). In fact my 
only previous log of KSJB was inconclusive, Dec 30, 2012 as in

NRC Pattern Book shows both day and night it`s a figure-8, NE/SW, which means 
we should normally be getting some signal to the south; with nulls toward Cedar 
Rapids and Saskatoon. This log was on the RF-569D, which permanently stays on a 
wall so that it favors N/S signals.

FCC info for facility 10778 shows KSJB is licensed for 5.0 kW unlimited 
direxional, but with APPlication for 1.25 day/0.5 night, ND2. Or rather the ND 
low powers are for Special Temporary Authority. It sounds to me like they have 
just gone back to the Unlimited license. This explains it from the 
Correspondence file of August 12, 2014:


``This is in reference to the request filed July 22, 2014, on behalf of 
Chesterman Communications of Jamestown, Inc. ("Chesterman"). Chesterman 
requests special temporary authority ("STA") to operate
station KSJB(AM) with temporary facilities.' In support of the request, 
Chesterman states KSJB(AM) is embarking on a technical update of its 
transmitting facilities which involves the replacement of all three towers, the 
phasing and matching equipment and the feed lines. 

Chesterman requests temporary operation from another antenna structure located 
on the same property as the AM array. Specifically, KSJB(AM) requests STA to 
operate on the FM tower of co-owned FM station KSJZ(FM). A temporary 
nondirectional operation is proposed both day and night with a daytime power of 
1.25 kilowatts and a nighttime power of 250 watts. [. . .]

The STA facility is limited to a non-directional daytime power of 215 watts and 
a non-directional nighttime power of 237 watts in order to protect Canadian 
station CJWW at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.``

Nothing found about this at own site http://www.ksjbam.com/ but I see they have 
a polka show Sundays at 19-21 UT! And lots of farming stuff (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

KSJB has been back at full power since November 2014, per their Facebook page 
(Paul B Walker, Jr, TX, July 6, NRC-AM via WORLD OF RADIO 1781, DXLD)

600, July 7 at 0553, no sign of KSJB Jamestown ND, unlike 24 hours earlier with 
C&W music, ID; just `C2CAM`, no doubt WMT Cedar Rapids. Paul Walker says ``KSJB 
has been back at full power since November 2014, per their Facebook page``. 
Maybe so, but maybe had a relapse, until reaudiblizing themselves last night. 
Either that or the ``now with improved signal`` promo was rather stale. Of 
course, simply propagational variations might account for their coming and 
going here (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1781, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Just for kicks, I wrote the GM of KSJB (Rick Pfeiffer) regarding the station’s 
recent return to the air with full power. His response:

``Yes sir, the old array was 68 years old and was subjected to a lot of abuse 
in our high-wind state and swampy environment. The old setup was still using 
open-air feed line. I had a structural analysis done some years back and it was 
not good. There was also some evidence the Wincharger towers were poorly 
fabricated to begin with; and prior owners over the decades had overstressed 
them and done everything cheap instead of good.

We rebuilt the whole thing; towers, ground radials, coax. Went with LED lights 
and a white day/red night light system that eliminates tower painting. We do 
stream on the net and have a mobile app.
Patrick R. Pfeiffer, VP/GM
Work:  701-252-3570/308
Cell:  701-269-1914
2400 8Th Ave SW, D1
Jamestown, ND 58401
KSJB Signature Logo`` 
(via Pete Taylor, July 7, NRC-AM via WORLD OF RADIO 1781, DXLD) But didn`t ask 
him about specific dates?

** U S A [and non]. 890, July 4 at 0533 UT, Spanish preacher with direxions to 
churches in San Benito and Harlingen; dominating, and when nulled I don`t get 
WLS, but R. Progreso, Cuba music // much weaker 900; so this is KVOZ, Del Mar 
Hills TX, 10/1 kW. DMH is a Laredo suburb, way up the Rio from the RGV 
origination on 1210 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1080, July 3 at 0130:05 UT, KRLD Dallas makes quick break for change 
from day to night pattern while maintaining 50 kW, at almost the FCC-appointed 
time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

--- End Message ---
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