Hi Neil, great to hear from you and hope your DXing has been good. I always enjoyed my Perseus. Wondering if they have fixed the bugs and improved the support, which I recall was underwhelming. Any other SDRs that warrant consideration?
Ciao for now

-----Original Message----- From: neilkaz
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 9:48 PM
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
Subject: Re: [IRCA] new returning member

Chris, my good friend! Welcome back!!

For radios, well my advice is still the same. Just get a Perseus.  73 KAZ

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Black <n...@comcast.net>
Sent: Aug 12, 2015 9:41 PM
To: irca@hard-core-dx.com
Subject: [IRCA] new returning member

Having first dabbled in SW, I was first introduced to MW DXing in the mid 80’s when I lived in Lynwood and wondered why I couldn’t get the same loggings with my NRD-515 and a piece of wire out the window from my apartment as I saw reported by Mark Connelly! Boy did I have a lot to learn!

Life and trying to keep from starving to death kept interfering with my Dxing but I managed to plug along, learning little by little from many in this group, attending conventions and get-to-gethers as well as Grayland outings when I was in the Seattle area visiting my daughter. Along the way, I got licensed but always kept MW Dxing on the front burner while living on Cape Cod for the last 17 years.

Always eclectic, I dabbled in utilities, NDBs and some of the esoteric modes as a diversion but managed to log over 100 countries on MW from Cape Cod locations and Prince Edward Island. It’s hard to ignore the thrill of hearing KFI and Japan from the east coast. Of course, having room for antennas like the flag, delta, super loop, K9AY, beverage, etc was a decided advantage and I was fortunate to count as fellow DXers and friends the likes of Mark Connelly, Bruce Conti and other legendary Dxers.

But, as I approached the seventh inning stretch of this game, my wife's health prompted a move back to Washington to be closer to family. I now live in a planned community in Redmond where antennas are as verboten as a t-bone to a vegetarian. Having unloaded all radio equipment before the move, I was despairing of ever re-connecting with the hobby. But we Dxers are a resilient lot and so I throw myself on the mercy of the collected wisdom of the group for suggestions as to radios, SDRs, antennas, etc so that I might stay in the game from my modest digs in Trilogy at Redmond Ridge.

My best to all and its good to be back.

73 de Chris Black
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