This morning's DXing at a highway 101 turnout on Cape Perpetua, Oregon was
quite productive! I didn't have the time to really dig into the
recorded signals to make proper loggings, nor did I progress up the band
beyond 1035 kHz. However, I had Japanese language audio on some 2nd and 3rd
tier Japanese channels, which equals a pretty darn good opening in my

Compared to yesterday's predominance of DUs, it was mostly Asian reception.

Here's my brief notes:


AUST: 657 (pres.), 684 (pres.), 702 (mixing w/Japan), 891 (mixing w/Japan),
1026 (pres),

CHINA: 981


JAPAN: 558, 567 (JOIK mixing with pres. R National), 594, 603, 612, 693
(exc.!!), 747, 774 (exc.!), 828 (exc.!), 873, 909 (mixing w/unid),

918, 945, 954, 963, 1008 (mixing w/Korea), 1017,

NEW ZEALAND: 675, 882 (Star- EZL Christian music)



UNID: 585, 639, 729, 792, 927, 936, 1035 (Japan or S. Korea)


Here's an audio clip of KKNE Hawaii 940 with some really nice Hawaiian
music from around 1335:

This folder has two photos of the DXing location, and showing the fine
Wellbrook ALA1530S+ Imperium antenna which works so well for these
impromptu DXpedition sessions:
<>   The first
picture is of the city of Yachats, taken from across the street from where
our family is vacationing a few days. Cape Perpetua is seen in the distance
with the Highway 101 "notch" in the hillside clearly visible. This section
of the highway that is blasted from the solid rock has a small parking area
at the 140 ft. high point, and is the place where my DXing pal Gary DeBock
has spent many hours DXing with his famed FSL antennas. My DXing spot this
morning was a couple hundred feet further down the highway among the trees,
as seen in the 2nd photo with the Wellbrook antenna. The Wellbrook loop is
very portable when mounted on an inexpensive tripod, and versatile too.


Guy Atkins
Puyalup, WA
Elad FDM-S2 and Wellbrook ALA1530S+ Imperium loop antenna
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